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Art of War Push Strategy [HeeHawGames]

May 11, 2014 by HeeHawGames
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Art of War Push Strategy [HeeHawGames]

May 11, 2014


- The object of this guide is to illustrate a proven strategy and philosophy on how to win the game as fast as possible while making no errors. I recommend reading The Art of War by Sun Tzu. Understanding his teachings will decrease the amount of errors in your game play and increase the probability of success. The philosophy that goes along with this strategy takes several key goals from Sun Tzu's art of war philosophy. Why is Sun Tzu's art of war important? Because It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics and is simple to understand. Here is the audio version of Sun Tzu's art of war and a video to help understand the basic principles.

Phase one
Character Selection
- It is said that much of the battle can be won beforehand. If you are able to select all of the characters required for this strategy and deny all of the characters the odds increase greatly in your favor.

First pick - Natures prophet - Jungle
Second pick - shadow shaman - Support
Third pick - Warlock - Off lane
Forth Pick - Death Prophet - Mid
Last Pick - Carry

Instead of jungle
Axe + Keeper of Light

Naga Siren
Phantom Lancer

This guide will assume you already know how to play the heroes.

Phase 2

Now your goal is to win the game by pushing the towers and destroying the ancients as fast as you can while making no errors.
Errors - Dyeing, not defending at a tower, not attacking at a tower, team fights at random spots on the map. Deploying ultimate's while not defending or attacking a tower.

Strength These abilities are the key ( Mass Serpent Ward, Nature's Call, Exorcism, Chaotic Offering ) You are able to be stronger in position on the map than the enemy when some or all of these ultimate's are present including at an enemy tower.

Now all games are different and you're in game strategy should be evolving based on your enemies, but this scenario will illustrate some of the likely ways to win
- as soon as Mass Serpent Ward is available pull the creeps to get 2 waves and then have natures prophet use natures call, destroy tier 1 tower. Push the minion wave to the tier 2 tower in a "fake push" then cut to the middle tower and use Natures Call + Exorcism
- have natures prophet then defend middle and strong lane while the 4 people push off lane with Mass Serpent Ward and Chaotic Offering

Fake Push - Use this tactic as deception to create the illusion that you are pushing a lane. This will draw the enemy off balance, out of position, causes them to burn teleportation scrolls. The optimum set up is having the minions about equal distance from the towers in 2 lanes, pushing the minion wave up to the tower showing your army. Then retreat or switching to the opposite lane.

You now have a clear advantage of experience and gold over your enemy. Your enemy also has less protection on the map and less visibility. you can use this to your advantage to fake push lanes which will cause disorganization/burning what little gold they have on teleportation scrolls, the risk of get caught out of position or being a step behind your army also becomes a threat.

Push lanes with your ultimates ready, but use them sparingly as you can push 2 towers if you catch the enemy out of position. The enemy will often retreat back to the next tier tower if you burn your ultimates and you will need to then retreat back and defend while you wait for your ultimates . Do not fight when you are weak and Do not fight in their jungle or in your jungle. Only fight on towers for this is the key to success.

Every time Mass Serpent Ward, Exorcism, Chaotic Offering are available the team should be pushing a tower. It takes great leadership and discipline to execute restraint to not fight or chase the enemy off the lanes. One more time here are the very simple to understand concepts in the words of Sun Tzu.

�If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, then the general is to blame." Sun Tzu

"Quickness is the essence of the war." Sun Tzu

"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious." Sun Tzu

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