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6 Votes

Armageddon Comes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

April 1, 2016 by Terathiel
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Hamstertamer (89) | April 1, 2016 5:48pm
No elaborate rat tactics? I'm disappointed -_-
I really believe that the saving grace of wisp-less CK is the ability to split his illusions in 2 stacks (with key binds) and separately send them to rat different towers.
Otherwise you might as well call GG at a Sven, Magnus or Medusa pick. Among tons of others that is.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | April 1, 2016 1:51pm
Great guide, I gave you a +1. I like your suggestion about Vyse, I have never tried, I guess I would give it a try. I have build Heaven's Halberd in some games if the enemy carry is ahead and doesn't have a BKB. I have always wonder if the illusions get the evasion.
strider | April 1, 2016 12:13pm
no Io in ally section FailFish
although skadi is outclassed by heart it still should be considered as a viable item choice.
other than that great guide
Bunkansee (32) | April 1, 2016 9:39am
Wow great windranger guide! A very interesting build, never tried butterfly on her before.

Seriously though. Nice guide! Looks very well presented.
Kyphoid returns (42) | April 1, 2016 9:23am
Reserved for later comment.

The Frosto (14) | April 1, 2016 9:23am
This is a nice guide which explains Chaos Knight really good. I haven't read all of it but from what I have read everything is really accurate and usefull in games.

However I think you should add outworld devourer on the counters as well since his orb does bonus damage on illusions, he steals your costly int and his ult directly counters yours since your illusions have low int and they are close togheter so one Sanity's Eclipse is bye bye teamfight. Another foe are most illusions hero tbh. A Terrorblade or a Phantom Lancer can totally rec a ck since ck can't focus them down and terrorblade even has his Reflection

Also an item that works extremely well on ck as a starting item is an Enchanted Mango since you are a melee hero with a limited manapool the item can help you getting kills during the laningstage.
TheGhostReader | April 18, 2016 6:16am
The Frosto wrote:
This is a nice guide which explains Chaos Knight really good. I haven't read all of it but from what I have read everything is really accurate and usefull in games.

However I think you should add outworld devourer on the counters as well since his orb does bonus damage on illusions, he steals your costly int and his ult directly counters yours since your illusions have low int and they are close togheter so one Sanity's Eclipse is bye bye teamfight. Another foe are most illusions hero tbh. A Terrorblade or a Phantom Lancer can totally rec a ck since ck can't focus them down and terrorblade even has his Reflection

Also an item that works extremely well on ck as a starting item is an Enchanted Mango since you are a melee hero with a limited manapool the item can help you getting kills during the laningstage.

I agree with Frosto... OD is reallyyyy scary...
Terathiel (49) | April 18, 2016 7:07am
Believe it or not, I'm of the mind that CK vs OD is actually a fairly even fight... because if CK can Reality Rift OD, then that's a dead Devourer. Yeah, the mana burn and bonus damage vs illusions is nasty, but CK bursts down OD really ****ing fast.
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