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17 Votes

Arc Warden Compendium - Electric Mesmer (by Culling)

December 16, 2015 by Culling
Comments: 19    |    Views: 284107    |   

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Eon_Theory (2) | January 27, 2016 6:19pm
Diffusal Blade not even mentioned? It's very strong with Zet in either build, you should give it a try or explain why you do or don't like it.
Memon | January 17, 2016 6:47pm
Nice guide. Thank you.
Kotoko | December 18, 2015 6:08am
ChiChi wrote:

Because the ability to be two at the same time makes for double XP/GPM, I think. Also even when fighting, it's like you have two times every spell and item, which is really powerfull. And while Meepo needs several clones for puff damage and if you kill anyone he also dies, if the clone from Arc is killed he himself doesn't die. You can even do kinky stuff like Divine Rapier, because your clone carries the effect with him but if he dies he does not let it fall, so you can stay safe somewhere while he fights for you.

Only gets gold, not XP
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 17, 2015 6:40pm
ChiChi wrote:

Icefrog is humourless ;_;

And views me as a stinky boy eww

That was how i joke, icky grill.
Cheese Ausar (1) | December 17, 2015 5:45pm
So his carry potential all lies in his ult? His other abilities don't seem to scale well though, so I'm not sure how he could be rated as hard carry unlike someone like Anti-Mage.

He seems a lot more like a support hero.
venatus75 | December 17, 2015 12:24pm
I'm not experienced with Arc Warden at all, but I found that rikis new ultimate in 6.86 absolutely destroys Arc Warden's pushing power, being able to completely snuff out your personal army. Thankfully, with necro 3 x2, he takes quite a bit of damage from killing the warriors with it and can be Dagon'd down quickly if you manage to survive his surprise. If you're ratting with your summons and running back to base after you cast them, though, he'll stop your push dead in its tracks.
ChiChi (47) | December 17, 2015 7:08am

He meant a human being when he said man.
I dont get your joke.

Icefrog is humourless ;_;

And views me as a stinky boy eww
Kyphoid returns (42) | December 17, 2015 6:32am
ChiChi wrote:

He?! =O

He meant a human being when he said man.
I dont get your joke.
Smuggels (82) | December 17, 2015 5:53am
+rep for accurate use of photo
ChiChi (47) | December 17, 2015 5:48am

Adding to what^he said

He?! =O

Kyphoid returns (42) | December 17, 2015 5:04am
Adding to what^he said, buy a refresher and you get two tempest doubles. This means 6 manta illusions, 6 necro warriors and 3 arc wardens. 15 units mate.
He's the guy meepo wants to be. He puts tinker to shame.
And natures profit is inspired by how he plays.

And if you play ability draft, just hog his ultimate to make people cry. Imagine mirror image or howl or spawn treants.
ChiChi (47) | December 17, 2015 4:36am
Cheese Ausar wrote:

The game rates Arc Warden as a super hard carry - but I don't see how...
Can you enlighten me?

Because the ability to be two at the same time makes for double XP/GPM, I think. Also even when fighting, it's like you have two times every spell and item, which is really powerfull. And while Meepo needs several clones for puff damage and if you kill anyone he also dies, if the clone from Arc is killed he himself doesn't die. You can even do kinky stuff like Divine Rapier, because your clone carries the effect with him but if he dies he does not let it fall, so you can stay safe somewhere while he fights for you.
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