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Aoe's comprehensive guide to Lone Druid (updated)

June 6, 2014 by Meph0
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Meph0 | June 23, 2013 4:13pm
rocky wrote:

Pretty reasonable guide, however I disagree with druid only needing brown boots. I think his true form is way to slow and I like to opt for a boots of travel when I can for when you want to roam with the bear or defend/push, etc. I also like yasha on druid. I think both the bear and the druid need to be at 522 to be fully effective and this makes it so.

also could you please provide a video for the double creep pull technique? On radiant I feel like I execute it well but when I'm pulling the double wave past top rune inbetween top tier 1/2 I miss my friendly creep wave and they don't intercept

you may want to make the panic room locations more specified

ad boots: Recently I like to buy tranquils/travels too, but certainly not before phases/dmgitem/basher on bear. Yep, LD is slow, but rabid somewhat makes up for that.
Also, unless you fear some invisible oponents coming at you, stay at all times in ranged form.
This also baits stuns, which you can dodge if needed by transformation.

ad yasha: I find it pretty useless on main, apart from litle bit of ms and negligible other stats (main is not damage dealer). If you get ganked you have other options, from living trought disables and TP'ing to sending bear straight back and microing bear for block/slow from orb of venom.

ad double-pull: I don't have hw powerfull enough to make recording of this, but if you look at AdmirallBuglldogs plays, he did it consistently prepatch (in pubs).
If you get your timing right and start pulling second wave asap, you should be able to just come in time for wave, with few seconds to spare. Just keep trying...

ad panic rooms: map is filled with them, basically any choke point (jungling spots) will do, you just need to be aware of this option and you will be able to use it.

general: I'm no A.B., but I have some ~150 games of LD in veryhigh. Quite early on I sucked really badly and w/l ratio was pretty bad, recently I win much more games on LD than I loose.
I suppose it's all about practice.
rocky (4) | June 12, 2013 4:25am
Pretty reasonable guide, however I disagree with druid only needing brown boots. I think his true form is way to slow and I like to opt for a boots of travel when I can for when you want to roam with the bear or defend/push, etc. I also like yasha on druid. I think both the bear and the druid need to be at 522 to be fully effective and this makes it so.

also could you please provide a video for the double creep pull technique? On radiant I feel like I execute it well but when I'm pulling the double wave past top rune inbetween top tier 1/2 I miss my friendly creep wave and they don't intercept

you may want to make the panic room locations more specified
Meph0 | April 2, 2013 4:21pm
magicmerl wrote:

Why do you buy Monkey King Bar and Daedalus over Maelstrom?

AC is overall much better on bear than Mjolnir, which is more farming item.
Both MKB and Daedalus give excellent damage outputs to take care of squishies if needed (I like MKB more though for its high attackspeed and fact that it goes trough evasion).
magicmerl (6) | April 2, 2013 3:41pm
Thanks. I wrote this script:

alias "bear_return" "dota_select_all_others; dota_ability_execute 0; +dota_camera_follow; +dota_control_group 2 "
alias "bear_phase_boots" "dota_select_all_others; dota_item_execute 0; +dota_camera_follow; +dota_control_group 2"

bind "x" "bear_return"
bind "z" "bear_phase_boots"

I suspect that that was what he used.

Why do you buy Monkey King Bar and Daedalus over Maelstrom?
Meph0 | April 2, 2013 3:04pm
magicmerl wrote:

Stolen from my guide without a credit you mean?
I like your range finder stuff though.

Actually I got it from player called 'Spawneh'(aka Spawny) who probably stole it from your guide :)
Can credit you, if you came up with it.
magicmerl (6) | April 2, 2013 1:06pm
Consider using following macros to control bear when chasing/harrasing (google 'dota autoexec console'):

alias "bear_return" "+dota_control_group 2; dota_ability_execute 0; +dota_camera_follow; +dota_control_group 3"
alias "bear_phase_boots" "+dota_control_group 2; dota_item_execute 0; +dota_camera_follow; +dota_control_group 3"
bind "." "bear_return"
bind "SPACE" "bear_phase_boots"
Note: Stolen from some .cfg, not my idea. Change '.' and 'SPACE' for whatever you want.

Stolen from my guide without a credit you mean?

I like your range finder stuff though.
rocky (4) | March 27, 2013 7:07am
Yoda wrote:

I always laugh so hard when the bear starts getting chased by the creeps!! very good way to overblock your enemy's creeps.
OH and Hand of midas doesnt work any more on bear AND druid, they share the same cooldown now, it's been patched.

since when?
Meph0 | March 27, 2013 7:06am
@Yoda: I believed so until recently as well, but at this very moment it still works in last patch.
What does not work anymore is switching one midas between hero and bear.
There is that caveat that if you build midas in stash it gets cooldown of the one on you, but if you build them separatly one for you and one into the bear it works and they have separate cooldowns.
Yoda (9) | March 27, 2013 7:03am
I always laugh so hard when the bear starts getting chased by the creeps!! very good way to overblock your enemy's creeps.
OH and Hand of midas doesnt work any more on bear AND druid, they share the same cooldown now, it's been patched.
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