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-As I can see it you are rushing
-Some people prefer in the late-game (In the later parts) to switch battle-fury over something else. No, you shouldn't sell it. Just place it in your stash or on the
-No mention of
-The "key" to playing
-You cannot 1v2 a lane. You can't 1v3 a lane. You can't play solo. Unless you are playing against a solo lane who doesn't harass you so much.
-We don't switch
-Late game,
-Friends and Enemies section is very dull. You might want to change that and reformat it. Have explanations and don't include "etc." without giving specifications.
That is all. Keep on making guides you'll learn sooner or later :)
-"your support should deny creeps" absolutely not, it's your job to maintain creep equillibrium. Only thing that your support can do about it is stack+pull when needed.
-you don't turn treads on str -_-. You switch to int before casting blink, then switch to agi. you don't need to have them on str cuz you have points in stats. ofc, you can switch them to str when needed.
-battlefury in 20min is really really really late and if I bought bf at 25min, I'm sure I would get 4 reports from teammates. Usual timer for battlefury is around 13-14 minutes which is easily obtainable if you do some jungle rotations and keep at least 6cs/min and manage not to die. At 25min you should have treads, pms, bf, manta nad basher
-no mention of alternative item build with vanguard first (it's very popular nowadays), no alternative or optional items such as BKB, vlads etc
-no basher/abyssal? it's core! Also you should add moonshard
-blink disjoints... so you can use it to evade projectiles such as wraith king stun/sven' stun etc etc
-no, you don't really want to use mana void on lion with his pathetic mana pool... you need some1 with huge mana pool for your ulti to be effective.
-Again, friends+foes section is only some heroes without explanation and whole guide doesn't contain much info. I suggest you to look into hot or well rated guides to get an idea how guide should look.