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10 Votes

Anti mage - Magebane

January 29, 2012 by bmzye
Comments: 10    |    Views: 13710    |   

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JfTD | October 8, 2012 8:20pm
Difussal Blade? Wow.... Only dumb players get that on Magina and it's a waste of money.
nachoman | May 7, 2012 8:57am
Tylaron wrote:

Diffusal, SnY, and the Morbid Mask before it is a vlad's are all orb items. Orb items that override your already superior Q skill. Please. Please don't build orbs on AM. Erm. I mean Magebane :P

Master of Mantra was changed for hon, it is now spellshield, the second aspect of Magebanes second skill, Flash. Generally you would want to take a point in E at the very least.

Also rushing a vlad's is horrible as has been said above.

Fix it, and change the name too people dont really like that...

SnY isn't orb anymore
nachoman | May 7, 2012 8:57am
Tylaron wrote:

Diffusal, SnY, and the Morbid Mask before it is a vlad's are all orb items. Orb items that override your already superior Q skill. Please. Please don't build orbs on AM. Erm. I mean Magebane :P

Master of Mantra was changed for hon, it is now spellshield, the second aspect of Magebanes second skill, Flash. Generally you would want to take a point in E at the very least.

Also rushing a vlad's is horrible as has been said above.

Fix it, and change the name too people dont really like that...

SnY isn't orb anymore
Tylaron (2) | April 21, 2012 10:00pm
Diffusal, SnY, and the Morbid Mask before it is a vlad's are all orb items. Orb items that override your already superior Q skill. Please. Please don't build orbs on AM. Erm. I mean Magebane :P

Master of Mantra was changed for hon, it is now spellshield, the second aspect of Magebanes second skill, Flash. Generally you would want to take a point in E at the very least.

Also rushing a vlad's is horrible as has been said above.

Fix it, and change the name too people dont really like that...
nachoman | April 19, 2012 8:41am
Diffusal? Wtf is hat ****
SkyneT800 (1) | February 9, 2012 11:23am
Bad. Never rush a vlads, so pointless. First buy vanguard, second buy Manta style. End.
UrChesthair (2) | February 4, 2012 6:21pm
Hmmm, maybe his also a LoL noob
dresmasher (24) | January 29, 2012 2:50pm
HamSandwich wrote:

Not taking spell shield before level 10 is a good way to lose games.

HamSandwich (34) | January 29, 2012 2:34pm
Not taking spell shield before level 10 is a good way to lose games.
Swordz (2) | January 29, 2012 12:43pm
Why do you use HoN names for a Dota guide? People who don't play hon don't know what "master of mantra" and "flash" is.
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