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7 Votes

Anti-Mage - Latest Scenarios and complex guide for low - mid MMR players

January 8, 2016 by ErpelHaze
Comments: 5    |    Views: 55495    |   

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kianmir | July 28, 2016 1:01pm
Hey! great guide! i say alchemist is not a hard counter to anti-mage. because alchemist needs more items than you. and you can gank him early to deny his farm. bkb is essential because his unstable concoction is way too OP in 1v1 fights. you can use manta to dijoint it but if you fail.. well its GG because the stun if charged is too long to endure. Get some decent attack speed items and a bkb against him and you should be OK
ErpelHaze | January 13, 2016 3:00am
nvthanh1994 wrote:

Really nice and detail guide. Can you add some section about farming pattern after batte fury and a little bit about Rosh with AM ?

Sure & thanks a lot! Will do that some time next week.
ErpelHaze | January 13, 2016 2:59am
michimatsch wrote:

Alright, here are some flaws.
This kinda reminds me a bit of Safecyn but this wall of text might be a bit too much.
Try reorganizing your text so it doesn't look like a huge mess. I know it is hard but it is definetely doable.
Did you take a look at some of the formatting guides out there?
But apart from these flaws it looks actually good. I'll give you a motivating +1 on the way.
PS: Legion Commander is a woman.

Hi there, thanks a lot for your feedback. I know it's a wall of text but I wanted to aim for lower players, people who actually are reading guides because they need it, hence the details. But still I feel like you're right and there are definitely some sections that I can either cut off or combine them with other sections.
Edited the LC thing :)
nvthanh1994 | January 11, 2016 11:15pm
Really nice and detail guide. Can you add some section about farming pattern after batte fury and a little bit about Rosh with AM ?
michimatsch (26) | January 8, 2016 11:30am
Alright, here are some flaws.
This kinda reminds me a bit of Safecyn but this wall of text might be a bit too much.
Try reorganizing your text so it doesn't look like a huge mess. I know it is hard but it is definetely doable.
Did you take a look at some of the formatting guides out there?
But apart from these flaws it looks actually good. I'll give you a motivating +1 on the way.
PS: Legion Commander is a woman.
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