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You “hard counter”
“Usually you can skip a Healing Salve since you should be the one harassing, not the one being harassed” If they have any ranged heroes at all you’re going to regret that decision.
If you’re ricing the jungle, the health from
Aside, from that, good guide.
I'm going to guess that you might be talking about vladimir's offering as an item for
I don't really like it, since I don't feel that the lifesteal is very helpful.
It is very helpful, just have one of your Teammates build it whenever possible, since you want to save your Slots for other Items ;{)
If Vlad's Till The End?
I don't know what this means.
I'm going to guess that you might be talking about vladimir's offering as an item for
I don't really like it, since I don't feel that the lifesteal is very helpful. Your
Also, to have more of a mid game presence surely it would be better to get your Basher before your Heart and Butterfly?
As for
A basher can make the difference between kills on occasion - that bash can prevent a hero from blinking before they die or TPing out as well as doing solid damage itself. Anyway those are just a couple of ideas tell me what you think ^_^
By the time you get your Heart a fair amount of time would have elapsed and you won't actually be outputting very much damage.
Picking up a Basher won't give you as much Damage as you think,
I'd also give
You could also expand with a section on friends/foes (foes especially), for example he's pretty good against
I will add a friends and foes section, thanks for the advice!
As for bkb, I do get it fairly often, when there's a close game. Here's a fairly recent, very close match where I definitely should have gotten bob (I made sooo many mistakes, but that was one of them.)
I usually don't get it though because to be honest, you usually are so over-leveled and over-farmed compared to others that you don't need it. I will make mention of the "close game" thing though. Thank you!
Secondly, is there any particular reason you do not put a point into spell shield at level 4? 26% magic resistance is a huge figure, and can make the difference between surviving and dying on many an occasion. Just this one point will be enough until you have maxed out Mana Break and Blink I feel.
I actually do this about 40% of the time, when I don't have absolute free-farm. I've added a second skill build, thanks for the advice!
You could also expand with a section on friends/foes (foes especially), for example he's pretty good against