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9 Votes

Ansom's Generic Jungle Doom

October 6, 2012 by ansom
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OfflanerExtraordinaire | September 9, 2013 8:34am
Great and helpful guide, +1!

There are some things I'd like to discuss though:
1)I don't think we should completely negate an utlity doom (when you say he's not a tank, not a nuker), even though I agree with you saying that Doom is best played as hard carry. Still I think he has some early and especially mid game potential and should be played utility in some situations, like, when you all random and get Doom + another hard carry. In that case you can't pretend to play him hard carry as that would leave any early fights tower+3allies vs 5enemies and potentially conclude the game with a midgame stomp from the enemy. An ideal utility doom would quick farm in the jungle a basi+phase+drums +good creeps abilities and picking ulti at 6 to be a bit more active early, and then farm an aghanim to transit into midgame (even ganking I think Doom should be able to farm the aghs thanks to devour), being able to completely shut down a key hero during midgame teamfights (which works lategame too anyways).Maybe even farming some mana items before or with the aghs to be able to spam his nuke and being even more powerful early/mid.What do you think?

2)What do you think is better, butterfly or heaven's halberd? Let's compare: heaven costs 2150 less gives 320hp, 45damage, some regen, 25%evasion and an awesome utility active; butterfly costs a lot more, gives 30damage, 35%evasion, about 4armor and 60attackspeed. I feel like is best to get butterfly when you're going hard carry as it gives you a lot more of tankyness, and, unsure about this, but should also give better damage as even if it's only +30damage it also gives +60 whopping attackspeed. And so heaven become an utility doom item. What do you think?

3)This last point is more of a question/doubt of mine, what about vanguard? I've heard a lot of people say that it's kinda useless to build it on Doom now, because it just delays his radiance and that a simple stout+basi/drums gives more of everything. At the same time I know that vanguard was abused at the first International. What reason would you give to build vanguard over other items and also, do you know why it has lost so much popularity? Everytime I build Doom carry, Vanguard always comes to my mind and I'm beset by doubts, sometimes I feel that even if it gives me some good durability it just falls off too quickly during midgame and just becomes a waste of money and space. I really need help with this item. What do you think about vanguard?

Soz for the wall of text but I really wanted to ask you these things (created this account just for that^^), thanks for the guide and for any answer you'll give me.
Merodoc | December 30, 2012 3:58pm
I recorded jungle with this guide. It wasn't the best but it still shows some of the strengths and weaknesses he has and also shows how much ursa's screw him over. Managing to stack ursa probably set me back a long way on my core.
WeaselKing | November 24, 2012 2:59am
I tend to jungle doom slightly differently.
Starting items are: RoP, QB, Tango, HS
Start the jungling by stack pulling the medium camp, when you pull eat the biggest creep(Usually Centaur Khan or Alpha wolf so your creep wave doesn't die too fast). You will nearly hit level 3 by 2min mark(unless you're lucky with the creep spawns and then you will be level 3), also if you last hit all creeps you should be able to afford the Sobi mask for the RoB. Move on the the small camp and continue to jungle as normal.

I have also been experimenting with getting a quick Helm of the Dominator over the midas, to help with ganking early game and speed up your farm a little. Not as good at afk farming but I find it more flexible, it also means you don't have to get tranquil boots. Another advantage being that after you get some more items you can break it down for components of the Armlet and Vlads.

Good guide guide with some food for thought. +1
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 13, 2012 4:31pm
OLBDC wrote:

Lol @ Doom being a hard carry.

He can actually hard!
OLBDC | October 9, 2012 5:03am
ansom wrote:

The thing about Doom "making his team fight 4v5" is that it implies Doom is going to make a big difference in lane anyway. He's not. Doom's early game sucks no matter where he's at. That's the downside of being a late-game carry. Level 6 Doom really isn't that game-breaking if your team doesn't follow up on it, and if you can't defend 4 and a tower versus 5, then I don't know what to say. No one expects any other hard carry to take a leisurely break from his farming to come defend. As for Doom's jungle getting screwed, just grab a useful buff and go into lane.

Lol @ Doom being a hard carry.
ansom (1) | October 8, 2012 12:09pm
The thing about Doom "making his team fight 4v5" is that it implies Doom is going to make a big difference in lane anyway. He's not. Doom's early game sucks no matter where he's at. That's the downside of being a late-game carry. Level 6 Doom really isn't that game-breaking if your team doesn't follow up on it, and if you can't defend 4 and a tower versus 5, then I don't know what to say. No one expects any other hard carry to take a leisurely break from his farming to come defend. As for Doom's jungle getting screwed, just grab a useful buff and go into lane.
KayJay | October 8, 2012 9:16am
soul ring doesnt work...
ive tested this build like 10 times or smthn...

soul ring works on junglers like enigma that dont tank the creeps.
doom is already very fragile and crippled with the wrong camps spawning...
for example ursa and magic immune golems really make your life drop hard early on

additionally it delays your core even more
jaslam (21) | October 8, 2012 9:04am
soul ring would be great for doom - so you have the mana to gank - the scorched earth will offset the hp cost, and the skill you have from the neutrals (+ scorched earth) would be more than 150 mana. +the basic regen. Doom needs mana, the most cost effective way to get it other than clarities would be a soul ring. basi is ok, but you'll get similar benefits from a soul ring + the active.

this way you can also pick up doom at 6, and have the mana to use it!
AtTheGates | October 8, 2012 6:58am
soul ring doesn't really work, the life cost is too harsh, also, you never have enough mana to gank. another huge problem is if they deny your jungle or harass you in any way, you're screwed as jungle doom. don't get me wrong, it's a lot of fun to play him like that, but you have to be aware of the consquences.

by the way, i usually went shield+axe+tango, then gloves of haste + tango, then midas + tango. you're about 1 minute faster than with basi that way, but you wont have the mana regen. the way you do it is that you don't use scorched earth until it is absolutely necessary (starting from level 4 when you have lvl2 scorched).
jaslam (21) | October 8, 2012 4:21am
Hmm - I'll experiment with this - you can gank with doom on this build, just use the skill which you have taken using devour. I don't see why you can't level doom at 6, and just get more scorched earth later.
Also, I would think clarities/tangoes would be more cost efficient than a basilius - but again, I will experiment.
Soul Ring would probably be a good idea so you can jungle and still doom someone if needed, and gank using your taken neut skill - (I personally think the troll would be the best, as the net cast range is quite good - and you can use the skeletons to push) using scorched earth to regen, and just a basic shield and soul ring, I'm pretty sure you could skip the vang. - at the same time, part of me would like to see support items over vang defiance.. (such as a rush scythe, rod of atos, euls, force staff even?)

either way, probable - +1 from me..
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