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5 Votes

Another Jungle Naix

June 25, 2013 by enganacious
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bastardodentro (2) | July 16, 2013 4:57pm
Solid guide with poor formatting, but that's ok.
Only thing I have to say: I would not get midas past the 7th minute mark since it delays your core a lot and repays itself in 17 minutes so you would actually benefit from the bonus gold when midgame ends. Really, if can't get it fast, just buy boots and start your armlet.
enganacious | July 4, 2013 5:23am
Oh, thanks for that.
TenshiN (6) | July 3, 2013 2:18am
Pics in the text [ [ itemname ] ] (Without the spaces). Would look like Lifestealer.
And i feel that Axe is one of the best Naix bombers there is, because he tends to get Blink Dagger and because of his overall agressiveness. Nice guide overall, +1
enganacious | June 25, 2013 3:06pm
@ GotYou, I like maxing Feast and Rage first, because it makes Lifestealer very burst damage capable. Also Open Wounds doesn't get anything for leveling but decreased cooldown and range. Eh, I've done the "racecar" Naix, and it's a really fun build, I just don't think it's that great. Plus anyone who wants to "racecar", pretty much knows what they'd have to pickup. I also manage to get Midas in about 7 minutes, so I tend to always get it. It gives me the +30 attack speed I lose by going Phase over Treads, like I said. I also see it as troublesome to stay ahead in gold/exp without a Midas, in the jungle.

@ Raylord, I go Phase Boots > Power Treads so that the range on low-level Open Wounds isn't a problem because you have very good chase, and because every other build has Power Treads.

@ Garret, I don't put Basher on the list because I have Abyssal on the list and Abyssal is just Basher + time; I'm weird like that. I would also put a Hyperstone on the list, but I always build either Mjolnir or AC out of it. I just feel that getting a Heart, Mjolnir, Abyssal, AC or MKB is more beneficial than a Daedalus. It's not like you can't get one. This is also my first guide, so I have no idea how to put pics in the text, lol.

Thanks for the feedback you guys.
Garret (1) | June 25, 2013 11:16am
Solid guide indeed, but I would maybe add the basher in, since eventhough your lifestealer is somewhat mobile, I feel like bash helps him A LOT.
Also, I feel like daedalus is actually a good choice on lifestealer since the attack damage usually gets up a lot, making the daedalus a viable choice. But you can sure live without it. Also, just an advice - try puting links or pictures in the guide, just so it is more "pleasing to the eye"
--Garret the master thief
EDIT: just noticed your naix bombers list, try adding puck, works wonders.
Raylord (3) | June 25, 2013 11:10am
GotYou | June 25, 2013 6:33am
This guide generally heads in the right direction.
However, I disagree with maxing out feast over open wounds, since 2 points in feast is enough for jungeling efficiently. Considering the recent nerf of open wounds, maxing it out over feast (and in some circumstances even over rage, if you really want to bring the heat early game) is mandatory.
Also I think S&Y should be considererd in the item wish list because it really fits the "race-car naix" with drums and phase.
When it comes to the midas, I think it's an situational pick up and should not be bought if there are stronger carries in the other team (PL, PA, AM etc.).

Just my 2 cents, overall +1 !
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