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Annihilating Your Way To Victory As Carl, The Invoker.

June 29, 2013 by NickFromDota
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NickFromDota | June 29, 2013 12:19pm
I'm sorry I lashed that severely, haven't exactly had the greatest day so far. The mentality behind the super early scepter is mainly meant for public matches. I'd never rush something like that a team match. Same for the early boots as well. I'm not saying that I won't take suggestions, but that portion of the build is integral to my pub-game playstyle and to change that would shift the entire dynamic of the guide.

samukobo (28) | June 29, 2013 8:51am
Chill. I'm sorry I called it awful, but that's just the first word that comes to mind when I see a person going immediately aghs after boots.

I'm not calling the whole guide awful, in fact the skill explanations are great and overall detail is very, very nice. I was just stating an argument opposing getting boots first (why would you need movement speed anyway that early?) and getting Aghs immediately after phase.

And saying this is a build that works for you and you won't take suggestions, and that we won't have to use it if we don't want to is just wrong. Most of us are just trying to hear your opinion about some things that isn't stated in the guide.
NickFromDota | June 29, 2013 8:40am
To both of you, it is a very unconventional item build, I know. You don't have to like it, you don't have to use it, and I explain that in the guide. This is the item build that works for me. This is the item build that I am successful with in almost every game I play. You can say it is dumb or that it doesn't work, but I haven't gone negative in in the past 30+ games as Invoker. I have a feeling you are just looking at the item progression and not reading the guide. I explain how I do everything and how it all works.

There is no need for you to come on here and immediately call it awful. If you don't like it then just leave it be.

samukobo (28) | June 29, 2013 4:17am
I don't think aghs rush after phase is a good idea... getting drums, euls, force staff, blink or another utility item and then getting aghs is safer.

There is a point though. The item progression (or the items shown is general) is awful. Get blades first if you're going mid unless you're using an exort build, (which isn't that good in the laning phase) and please, get a tango/branches.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 29, 2013 1:13am
Extremely bad item progression.
Starting item should be a Blade not boots.
You should then progress onto an aghs and then either forcestaff or euls or blink. In short positioning items before delving into ridiculously expensive luxs such as skadi. Hex is a way better choice.
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