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17 Votes

AngeloBangelo's Guide to Chen (Updated!)

March 12, 2015 by AngeloBangelo
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bpiviqd | October 26, 2015 8:16am
michimatsch wrote:

Nah the guide is awesome but there are no fresh Enchantress guides.
But most things that apply to Chen apply to Enchantress too.
So ty +1

I don't think so. Apart from being able to convert nc this 2 heroes now is quite different in playstyle. Chen chase mek and become pushing power to his team, while enchantress will become less creep dependent in later game and usually chase agh and become right clicker. It's quite rare to see mek carier enchantress nowadays because it's unfit her role.
bpiviqd | October 26, 2015 8:11am
I think the purge satyr is less situasional and may worth now because holy persuasion buff lesser creep with low hp. Not mention range of purge is buffed to (only about 100 but yes it still buff). Beside low cd super slow to enemy, it can purge annoying spell like -armor slardar, track, dazzle's ulti, silent, and the best thing is hex removal.

the mud golem also viable when you play against channeling hero like pugna, cm, witch doctor, enigma when your team lack of heroes with long range stun/ministun. also maybe good against mana burner aoe invoker because it's spell cost no mana. Better 125 damage with 0.6 sec stun than 0 mp centaur sometimes.
michimatsch (26) | March 12, 2015 7:24pm
Nah the guide is awesome but there are no fresh Enchantress guides.
But most things that apply to Chen apply to Enchantress too.
So ty +1
ChiChi (47) | March 12, 2015 4:00pm
Awesome guide, mate! +1

Consider putting somewhere a video on the great Chen's players around, like Puppey ;)
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 8, 2015 4:47am
wait i forgot to upvote this guide. +1
SeveNthSense (1) | March 7, 2015 9:13pm
Did you really just click on a Chen Guide, read it, and ask why Chen? Why don't you just click on enchantress in the heroes menu and find a guide on her. BTW the direct link is made with two square brackets: insert hero, skill, or item here Like this: Enchantress
michimatsch (26) | March 7, 2015 5:05pm
Why Chen? I wanted an ((Enchantress)) guide....:(
Well good guide +1
And I still don't know the key combination to make direct links
PUNCH1998 | June 1, 2014 9:29am
Dude, this guide is awesome!
Asway (2) | February 9, 2014 10:27am
Awesome! I love me some Chen. 2P recently interviewed Akke, from Alliance. This is what he had to say about Chen.


Q: When people talk about Chen they mostly talk about great micro or dramatic Test of Faith saves. As a Chen player, what do you see the main role of the hero as � does it depend on the draft it's in? If so, how?

A: Akke: It does indeed depend on the draft so I would say the decision making is what's important when playing Chen. Of course you have to have decent micro to be able to control the units but it's the decisions that can decide if you win or lose a game. If you make the wrong decisions if you should gank mid, top or even just farm you can end up being really useless and I think that is the problem that many people faces when they play it. If you have to focus too much on the micro because you're not used to it then you can't think so much on where to go and such. I always make scenarios, like if they lane like this I will go here. If they do that I will do this. By doing that I have the choices ready and can just pick one of them that I feel is the best.

Also, if you have a Wildwing Ripper and you're mid lane isn't having the best time. I some times put the creep mid and tornado the **** out the other teams mid. Tornado has a movement speed of 125, 300 vision and lasts for 40 seconds. It can help win a lane.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 8, 2014 8:17am
You may be referring to the small amount of time past the 6.79 patch in which we would see even 4 Hands of Midas on the same team, even past 10-15 minutes.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | February 8, 2014 7:42am

Hm. You're suggesting Midas on Chen?

Yes even pro players play him with Hand of Midas, even I.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | February 8, 2014 7:35am
Midas is actually quite decent versus an Enchantress, it makes creep fights much more interesting and uneven.
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