Ancient Apparition Support Guide
September 10, 2013
Early Game
As a support, Ancient Apparition should always buy wards while another support gets the courier. If you are the only support on your team, buy the courier and upgrade it 5 or 6 minutes after the game started. You job is to place wards, harass the enemy team heroes and deny your creeps if possible so your partner(s) can get safe farm, and don't forget to leave last hits to your lane partner. If you are pushing too far and you are in your defensive lane (Top for Dire and Bottom for Radiant), you can pull a creep wave and/or stack camps in the jungle. Use your Vortex and your Cold Feet to slow and stun the enemy when the good opportunity comes.
Mid Game
Here comes the funniest part! Now that you have your ultimate, you can start contributing in team fights no matter where you are on the map. All you need is anticipation skills and good reflexes to cast your Ice Blast across the map. The farther you are, the better it is because your Blast range gets bigger. Once you get the Eul's Scepter, you can start ganking with another hero wherever you want. All you have to do is use your Clod Feet skill and then use your Eul's Scepter for instant stun and disable.
Late Game
In the late game, your job is to keep supporting your team. Place wards, give them Mana, get a Mekanism if nobody already has one, use your Scyhte of Wise, Eul's Scepter and Shiva's Guard to disable your enemies. Chilling Touch can always help in certain situations at this point. Using your ultimate in the enemy fountain keeps them away from regening. Hopefully, if your carries are well farmed, you should get an easy Win. :)
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