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Anarchy Bat

January 16, 2015 by Poor Leno
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DotA2 Hero: Batrider

Anarchy Bat

Poor Leno
January 16, 2015

Mobility wins

This works unreasonably well. Even against semi-organised teams. You go offlane to ruin the safe lane carry. However you only need to get levels. This Bat isn't primarily an initiator because he won't have enough gold or xp to do so but what he lacks in coordination he makes up for in absolute chaos.

After many miserable pub games I've decided to try and come up with ridiculous strategies to make space. This is but one.

Non-greedy strategy meaning no levels or gold required.
Ruins carries and greedy lineups.
Ruins teamfighters.
Has great lategame presence with ulty. Even if the enemy carry does end up getting fed just use that bad boy on him and he'll be ****ed.

If you don't do it right I can imagine it'd be disastrous.

Once you get level 3 things just get out of control.

What I like to do is:
- Cut the lane and watch as the enemies flock to you.
At first the enemies will probably be shocked your aggressiveness and so the two top will probably come after you.
- That's the beginning of the anarchy. After cutting top move straight down to mid. Make sure you have firefly and cut the lane again, once the creeps are dead fly towards the tower to see if the mid hero is there. If he is put a couple of Q stacks on him and W his ***. He'll begin to wander around trying to escape the mid hero whilst you fly circles round him. The enemies will either ignore this and keep farming their lanes or flock to you. Either are fine. If they flock to you, gank successful and possibly an easy mid tower. If they flock to you, space created for the other lanes.
- Use every hill to your advantage as on the flat ground Bat can easily be followed.
- You should be close to your force staff. Once you get this it really turns the tide. Don't use it to initiate teamfights instead keep going to lanes and pushing them with Q+W. Once lanes are pushed enemies should naturally come over to defend the tower, at this point activate firefly and dive straight at them. They will naturally try to attack you. At this point use Q to slow them and force staff as a quick escape. Remember hills, there are always some nearby.
-Once you get BKB making chaos is a lot easier. You have to be careful of physical damage dealers but in all honesty if things went to plan there just won't be any items on the enemy team which will be enough to kill you anyway. The lanes are going to be so pushed the enemies just won't know what to do. They'll either ignore you and let you push down the lanes or they'll all come to defend. If they come defend dive straight at them spamming Q+W, activate BKB when necessary. I prefer using BKB as I use TP. Before that I just fly round taking tower aggro and flying through the base. The enemies will be so distraught this is working that they'll all end up 5 manning your ***. At that time your team should be pretty fed and have complete and utter map control. GG.

Friends (Both for and against):
Afk farmers.

Targetted stunners before you get BKB. Watch out for them. Still, they shouldn't be able to stop you.
Nyx... still if he's chasing you halfway across the map to kill you instead of focusing on one of the greedy people in your lineup then... he's an idiot.

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