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23 Votes

Analyzing Competitive Plays with Tidehunter, by Peppo_o'Paccio

September 6, 2014 by Peppo_oPaccio
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Tigerre (4) | September 9, 2014 10:11pm

I think Brewmaster doesn't need one because his guides are kind of accurate and up do date, same for OD (aside from that stupid "double Talisman" habit). And about Razor, I've aleady made one: it has some downvotes because I made it long time ago and was honestly pretty bad, so I archived it and re-made it from scratch. Now I'm satisfied with the results, you can read it here.

What's wrong with Double Null Talisman? It increases the damage your orb does AND your ult, it's perfect. Saying that going double Null Talisman is bad is like saying double/tri- Wraith Band on Sniper/ Drow Ranger isn't good at all.

AAAAANNNNNNYYYYYWWWAAAAYYYSSSS.... Great guide, though could use a mid build in it as some people (Like me) like playing Tidehunter in mid, I believe some pros do play it mid, it might be a bit out-dated, but hey, you never know when a pro will put one in mid :D
Illumination0110 (2) | June 1, 2014 7:32am
lol that double Null Talisman :D Thanks for the response ! \

EDIT: Holy **** I didn't remember that you actually had a Razor guide already, I even commented on that and still forgot about it :rofl:
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 1, 2014 7:21am

Hey Pep, can you make guides for Brewmaster as well as my 2 favorite guys of Outwold Devourer and Razor ? Would love to see your point of view towards those 3 heroes :D

I think Brewmaster doesn't need one because his guides are kind of accurate and up do date, same for OD (aside from that stupid "double Talisman" habit). And about Razor, I've aleady made one: it has some downvotes because I made it long time ago and was honestly pretty bad, so I archived it and re-made it from scratch. Now I'm satisfied with the results, you can read it here.
Illumination0110 (2) | June 1, 2014 5:38am
Hey Pep, can you make guides for Brewmaster as well as my 2 favorite guys of Outwold Devourer and Razor ? Would love to see your point of view towards those 3 heroes :D
Geinu | May 27, 2014 9:49am
Really great guide. Another great one, keep it up
Sando (118) | May 27, 2014 6:32am
Kraken Shell is really strong now after being mostly a joke - I was playing Bane the other day and trying to lock him down with Fiend's Grip to stop him getting off his ulty - he'd debuff almost as soon as he started getting attacked...quite difficult to deal with!

He's reasonably viable in the offlane now too, has to be a little passive, especially against strong slows and trapping spells, but he's tough as nails, and certainly useful with a fast 6.

Anchor Smash is a very strong skill, good semi-jungling as well as damage/debuff. He works well as a support hero, but is increasingly strong with more farm too.

Overall I'd normally go Refresher Orb > Shiva's Guard too - but it is all about your role, whether you're there primarily to team fight, or to tank, how many have BKB's, what level of physical damage etc.

Good guide Peppo, +1, obviously :)
SoloBrow | May 27, 2014 5:51am
As incredible as this guide is the last thing I need is more people playing tidehunter. Im pretty sure that i'm like 2-100 against him so.....
Great guide def +1 but aww man!
Zerak Kyria (8) | May 25, 2014 4:59pm
Xyrus wrote:

Again, 2 levels in Kraken Shell is a free Poor Man's Shield and no Damage Block Items Stack with Kraken Shell...although I think Living Armour might Stack with it

...I feel like i need to re-learn heroes...
and yes it should stack with Living Armour as the description says Kraken Shell does not stack with items that provide Damage Block. so yeah your theory works.
Xyrus (104) | May 25, 2014 3:42am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Also possibly mention PMS if you're going solo-offlane against a right-clicking based dual or tri-lane.

Again, 2 levels in Kraken Shell is a free Poor Man's Shield and no Damage Block Items Stack with Kraken Shell...although I think Living Armour might Stack with it
Zerak Kyria (8) | May 24, 2014 7:15pm
A good guide as usual Peppo! +1
Also possibly mention PMS if you're going solo-offlane against a right-clicking based dual or tri-lane.
But anyway, good job and keep it up!
FleetAU (16) | May 24, 2014 2:35pm
fantastic guide as usual pep, just one thing ;) with the skill build if your playing support I personally think you should go like 1-1-1 skill build because as a support its really good if you can tank up a bit of damage and for only 1 level point Kraken Shell offers a pretty good reward, just a thought anyway
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 24, 2014 11:59am

I just meant cause it precedes Shivas in your item build progression.

SR is easy to make if you random, or perchance get a kill off on a greedy diver,not THAT expensive, and some times the lane gets pushed for easy money. Its good for haras against squishy guys against whom you cant close the gap for anchor smash.

I know, the HP regen also helps when off-laning: in that case I'd skip the Energy Booster and go brown Boots into Blink, or maybe get a pair of Tranquil Boots, but I've never tried it. I still feel more comfortable when farming ancients versus a very aggressive lane.

And about Shiva's, I think picking a Refresher Orb before it is fine, as long as you purchase a Force Staff (or any other item that adds mana like the Necronomicon) first.

The Mighty Pep strikes again. +1, I even might try playing Tidehunter at some point

Glenn T wrote:

I fangirl every time you have a new guide up. Thanks for this awesome one +1

Thanks, I really appreciate it. :D
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