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Analyzing competitive plays with Beastmaster, by Peppo_o'Paccio

December 11, 2012 by Peppo_oPaccio
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Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | June 20, 2013 11:02pm
Vlads and AC stack as of v6.78
Champire | June 20, 2013 8:52pm
i think beastmaster is viable in mid, he works like dk. now many professional player like xiao8 play beastmaster in mid. I think mid is a viable choice and using aura to push the creep wave
cetanu | January 23, 2013 10:27pm
Excellent guide. I'm going to try to become a really good Beastmaster player.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 9, 2012 5:48am

The only flaw in your guide is that you mentioned too little for your Wild Axes, the fact that they deal Composite damage actually makes you a very good creep stacker for your carry, not only will it help stack regular creeps, but ancients(!!!) too.

Other than that, good job

You are right, I forgot to talk about stacking ancients which many Beastmaster players usually do in competitive games. I'll add a chapter or paragraph about it, for sure.

Sorry for the late response, anyway. Also, thanks for the feedback!
CheeseAndToast | December 3, 2012 3:45am
The only flaw in your guide is that you mentioned too little for your Wild Axes, the fact that they deal Composite damage actually makes you a very good creep stacker for your carry, not only will it help stack regular creeps, but ancients(!!!) too.

Other than that, good job
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 28, 2012 12:00pm
Mirror wrote:

I know this is an international's 2 build but a really fun pub trick is life stealer can hide in the hawk. I played a game were the halk was invis over my tier 3 tower and the other team walked in and BOOM! life stealer falls from the invis halk onto there entire team.

I love the build and I am a big fan of coL +1

Thanks. :D Also, I might write about that trick in my guide if I have time for it.
Mirror (22) | November 25, 2012 1:52pm
I know this is an international's 2 build but a really fun pub trick is life stealer can hide in the hawk. I played a game were the halk was invis over my tier 3 tower and the other team walked in and BOOM! life stealer falls from the invis halk onto there entire team.

I love the build and I am a big fan of coL +1
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 7, 2012 6:30am
Wulfstan wrote:

The reason you haven't seen Assault Cuirass on Beastmaster is beacause all the games lasted less than 40 minutes(with 2-3 exceptions).

I thought so, too; thanks for the explanation anyway. :D
Wulfstan (77) | November 7, 2012 4:59am

Thanks for the tips, I didn't realize Assault Cuirass was that useful on him because I haven't seen it on Beastmaster in the last International.

The reason you haven't seen Assault Cuirass on Beastmaster is beacause all the games lasted less than 40 minutes(with 2-3 exceptions).
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 6, 2012 7:48am
Wulfstan wrote:

Getting an Assault Cuirass as a late-game item will improve him already astonishing teamfight potential.Remember, Inner Beast aura and the aura from Assault Cuirass + Drums of Endurance(you could consider this as a core extension) will make him a moving Hyperstone for the entire team.

Also he could also start solo ganking at that point,while also having necronominicon,you could even gank the slippery Weaver(again,random example),as the necrowarriors will provide both vision and burn his mana down.Not by many times I got a random kill by just sending the necrowarrior after a random inv hero,and he killed it because he was greedy,receiving the 600 pure damage penalty for doing it.

His pushing capability and fighting capability is so augmented with Assault Cuirass,that you can actually deal some damage besides yout Wild Axes and Primal Roar.


Thanks for the tips, I didn't realize Assault Cuirass was that useful on him because I haven't seen it on Beastmaster in the last International.
Wulfstan (77) | November 6, 2012 6:38am
Getting an Assault Cuirass as a late-game item will improve him already astonishing teamfight potential.Remember, Inner Beast aura and the aura from Assault Cuirass + Drums of Endurance(you could consider this as a core extension) will make him a moving Hyperstone for the entire team.

Also he could also start solo ganking at that point,while also having necronominicon,you could even gank the slippery Weaver(again,random example),as the necrowarriors will provide both vision and burn his mana down.Not by many times I got a random kill by just sending the necrowarrior after a random inv hero,and he killed it because he was greedy,receiving the 600 pure damage penalty for doing it.

His pushing capability and fighting capability is so augmented with Assault Cuirass,that you can actually deal some damage besides yout Wild Axes and Primal Roar.

Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 6, 2012 2:48am
amigosu wrote:

Your guide lack explanations, you just say what pros do e not why.
For improve it you could answer some of my questions:
When you should pick beastmaster over other supports?
How to pick lanes with him?
What beastmaster should do in the game?
How to team battle with him?

Thanks for the tips, I'll keep them in mind while writing the "Playing Style" chapter.
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