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An offlaners' guide. Get in to the basics

May 8, 2014 by Fujiwara Kazuki
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An offlaners' guide. Get in to the basics

Fujiwara Kazuki
May 8, 2014


Before you start reading this guide, there are some ground rules:
+ As an offlaner, you must not hate farming
+ You must control yourself, not to be the ACE (Which mean do not get greedy)
+ A careful and thoroughly person :D

Be wise to choose to play as this role. You wont' get much credit or kills in game.


DotA 2 has been released for a long time now. Follow that, many strategies have been created.
One of them is a formation, which is 1-1-3 (The most easiest to express it :v)
When both teams play this strat, The Offlaner will be the one plays in the lane which counter the enemy's 3 heroes. It most often hears "solo mid" or "bot" called in matchmaking
This is the most dangerous lane, easy to be fed. Hard to farm.


These are the most common heroes which will be played as an offlaner:
1. Bounty Hunter
An easy hero to begin with. You will want to get 1 Shadow Walk and Jinada first. Then max out your shuriken toss. At the beginning, feel free to use your 3rd skill and scout. But keep you mana at average point, so you can escape.
2. Weaver
With your shukuchi, you can both deal damage to enemy heroes, also escape. You would want to max out that.
3. Dark Seer
First max out your Ion shell, this will deal damage from distance. Then the surge. This will halp you escape.
4. Clockwerk
Max out your cogs first. You can get the rocket to get some vision.
5. Clinkz
Max out the fire arrow, and get the skeleton walk, too
6. Windranger
First get 1 wundrun, then max out powershot and shackleshot.

Aside from all the heroes above, there are some more like Timbersaw, or Batrider...


An offlaner will play solo in the:
1. Top lane, if you are in the Radiant
2. Bot lane, if you are in the Dire.As you can see, The black line is where the creep waves tend to meet each other.
Your job is to stay near the tower, at the same time, try to earn some gold and EXP.
Therefore, you should stay near the red line.
To do so, you will need some skills.


1. The creep block
The creep block is when you go in front of the creep ways, blocking them from going forward, therefore slow the on the way.
This can be helped by Clockwerk's cogs, which can capture the whole 4 creeps, delaying them.
2. Ward Spot
Compare to the first skill, this is definitely least important.
What you want to do is that you get a pair of observer wards, and you put in the enemy neutral's camp, in order not to let them using those creeps.
Not highly recommended in pub games.


You can always see how pro-gamers playing as a offlaner. Here are some example
Na'Vi Funn1k
DK iceiceice
Alliance [A]dmiralBulldog

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