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5 Votes

An In-Depth Guide to Meepo

August 12, 2014 by Anothink
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Anothink | August 14, 2014 12:03pm
Tigerre wrote:

I think you've missed something, it's known as the best counter to an all-melee lineup.
Can you guess who I'm talking about?




That's right, Axe counters Meepo so hard it's not funny, it's not even close to being even remotely amusing. If you see an Axe after picking Meepo, RQ immediately and uninstall DOTA and destroy your computer then go to the shop with your destroyed computer and get it fixed, apologise to the computer, re-install DOTA and then see how the game went :D

Axe only poses a problem in the early stages of the game for Meepo. In the games I've played, as long as my team is sensible and I have a good support backing me up, Axe is just free food for Meepo. Meepo will have so much more farm and experience than Axe and with the extra gold, I tend to buy a Scythe of Vyse and then your problem is over. But thanks for the nicely formatted suggestion.
Tigerre (4) | August 12, 2014 9:52pm
I think you've missed something, it's known as the best counter to an all-melee lineup.
Can you guess who I'm talking about?




That's right, Axe counters Meepo so hard it's not funny, it's not even close to being even remotely amusing. If you see an Axe after picking Meepo, RQ immediately and uninstall DOTA and destroy your computer then go to the shop with your destroyed computer and get it fixed, apologise to the computer, re-install DOTA and then see how the game went :D
Anothink | August 4, 2014 4:00pm
I also have a question. Once you have 5 Meepos, is it acceptable to just run around as a group of 5 to get kills? I'm still developing my micro skills, and I find it easier just to keep the whole pack together and move with my team. I know that it's probably better to be split pushing or farming with two or three of the clones, but I haven't had any problems using this method.

That being said, I haven't played many real games with Meepo. Bots are a very different story. I know it isn't the most efficient way to play him, but is it a "bad" way to play him?

When you have 5 Meepos, it's best not to keep them together. Firstly, by the time you have all your clones, 9/10 times you will be the most dominant hero on the map and your team will want to be near you as it will be impossible for the enemies to come grab a kill on your friend without you killing them. And as such your entire team will be huddled together. You will steal 5/9 of the exp: over half when an enemy creep or hero dies and that can really put your team at a disadvantage so I'd always recommend you to split push or just farm their jungle as Meepo, it takes a bit of concentration but it is worth it. Obviously when a fight will break out, invite all the Meepos in the kill them all. Good luck with Meepo in the future!
Zeth_Foherein | August 4, 2014 11:09am
Amazing Guide, really.
Fumbles16x (4) | August 4, 2014 8:33am
Really great guide. +1 for sure!

Funny story: I've been trying to learn Meepo for quite awhile now, but I never stuck with practicing with him for longer than a few matches. Well, I finally decided I was going to devote some time to learning this hero for good, so I came here for a guide on him. Wouldn't you know, the newest guide on the site was this comprehensive Meepo guide lol. It was a relief, no searching involved :p

But yeah, this hero is just so much better than I realized, and is easily the most fun hero I've ever played. I'm still mostly sticking to bots right now while I practice with him, but I haven't had awful results in pubs.

I've found that I really like Vlad's on him, though, even when not playing support. It lets you solo Roshan once you have 3 Meepos, which can be pretty early in the game if you're farming efficiently.

I also have a question. Once you have 5 Meepos, is it acceptable to just run around as a group of 5 to get kills? I'm still developing my micro skills, and I find it easier just to keep the whole pack together and move with my team. I know that it's probably better to be split pushing or farming with two or three of the clones, but I haven't had any problems using this method.

That being said, I haven't played many real games with Meepo. Bots are a very different story. I know it isn't the most efficient way to play him, but is it a "bad" way to play him?
Anothink | August 1, 2014 1:37am
Moodkill wrote:

Truly worth a +1 but may I know why you don't have vlads in the item build? Just curious

Vlads is a nice item sure, but a support can pick it up. And for that money, you could get an Armlet (if you have a heart) or an Ultimate Orb which I think benefits you more.

Hamstertamer wrote:

For info, the Manta Style bug has been fixed and the illusions do NOT benefit from the aghanims stat sharing anymore, they deal 33% of your damage like they're supposed to.

Is that so? The Dota 2 wiki says it does. I'll have to test it myself.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 1, 2014 1:12am
For info, the Manta Style bug has been fixed and the illusions do NOT benefit from the aghanims stat sharing anymore, they deal 33% of your damage like they're supposed to.

EDIT : I just checked it. Opened a private lobby, purchased agha and manta, and got this in the log :

Meepo deals 60 gamage to jungle creep
Meepo (illusion) deals 20 damage to jungle creep
Moodkill (9) | July 31, 2014 10:24pm
Truly worth a +1 but may I know why you don't have vlads in the item build? Just curious
Anothink | July 31, 2014 4:23pm
What about Lich? He is a pretty hard counter to deal with, especially if they do it intentionally and then rush a scepter. Also, I like the guide, definitely an approach I never thought about. I usually start off with tangos and boots and build treads as soon as possible and then start ganking to farm up for the scepter. After scepter, I go mek(which I also noticed you don't mention anywhere) to be able to heal all the meeps at once, vlads for the aura, assault cur for the armor and attack speed, and then finish it all up with a heart. Anyway great guide will definitely try out the builds at some point.

Ah yes, Lich. I'll add him to a counter straight away! In my 100+ games of playing Meepo in the latest update, I haven't seen a Lich on the enemy team once. But I know just the way to counter him.

I do mention Mekansm under the "Situational Gimmicks" section. I'm sure a support of mine is going to purchase a Mekansm so I tend to not get it. Also, when we compare Mekansm to an Ultimate Orb, I think it becomes apparent that an Ultimate Orb is superior. Mekansm heals for 250 HP whilst an Ultimate Orb provides you with 190 HP for each Meepo as well as +10 damage for each Meepo. I think the money invested into an Assault Cuirass could be spent on an Eye of Skadi which is, in my opinion, superior. A support can pick up a Vlads and that money could also be spent on an Ultimate Orb.

Thank you for your comment!

Edit: I have added Lich into the "Foes" section and added ways to counter him.
MexiKing | July 31, 2014 3:27pm
What about Lich? He is a pretty hard counter to deal with, especially if they do it intentionally and then rush a scepter. Also, I like the guide, definitely an approach I never thought about. I usually start off with tangos and boots and build treads as soon as possible and then start ganking to farm up for the scepter. After scepter, I go mek(which I also noticed you don't mention anywhere) to be able to heal all the meeps at once, vlads for the aura, assault cur for the armor and attack speed, and then finish it all up with a heart. Anyway great guide will definitely try out the builds at some point.
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