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6 Votes

An Evil Snowman's guide to Legion Commander

May 21, 2013 by AnEvilSnowman
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samukobo (28) | May 22, 2013 3:40am
I'm going to be giving you a +1 just because this a guide for Legion. I love that hero, seriously. (Also because it's a nice guide)

It could do with a bit more pictures. Otherwise, the explanations are detailed and clear.

The item builds could really have some improvement though. They're focused solely on duels, not really flexible. first of all, the only time you can safely duel is in successful ganks, the laning phase, and when you spot a support (or a squishy carry before he/she gets DPS) foolishly jungling/soloing. Which means in an even slightly organized match, not that much. And "not that much" would mean you get less chances on building the 100+ damage in the midgame using duels.

You could add some alternative item build that focuses on carrying and teamfights (Includes Black King Bar, Batllefury and Daedalus, very useful when you have a disabler on your team, specifically but not limited to Magnus. If you rush Black King Bar, Armlet of Mordiggian and other items that get your STR up, Empower hurts. A LOT. At least, that's the build I usually use because it gives me more late game power.

Another item I tend to get is Urn of Shadows when I use the common ganking focused build. I tend to get a lot of kills (if I do well enough in the mid game) and it gives me more utility towards my team and myself between ganks/teamfights. The early extra mana regen is also nice.

If I'm the only carry on my team, I sometimes get Hand of Midas- it helps, beacuse the carry build really needs a lot of items to be truly effective, and the IAS helps too. Farming isn't really Legion's style though, because you need to be looking for targets once Duel's cooldown is over. It could be a situational pick nontheless.

TL;DR, you could really enhance the items. Give more flexibility to your guide in general for them.

Oh, and you could add an Allies and Foes section.
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