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4 Votes

an easy phantom lancer

July 12, 2012 by Kyuubi
Comments: 5    |    Views: 22275    |   

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Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 16, 2013 2:19pm
Biwinning1 wrote:

Why dont you have Valds?
I find the heal great for helping the illusions tank a little bit more
Good guide tho +1

For your information, this is a very outdated guide: nowadays competitive players max-out Spirit Lance by 7 and Juxtapose by 10, with one early level in Doppelwalk. Also, the usual item build is (simplifying) Tranquil Boots, Drum of Endurance, Diffusal Blade, Yasha, Heart of Tarrasque and luxuries.

Vladmir's Offering is not needed because most of the times your supports (or sometimes your side carry) should take it; plus your illusions can't lifesteal and your inventory might not have enough space later on.
Biwinning1 | March 16, 2013 2:05pm
Why dont you have Valds?
I find the heal great for helping the illusions tank a little bit more
Good guide tho +1
Mirror (22) | October 29, 2012 11:06am
Every one plays heros differently and for me I like to max dopplewalk first 'cus it lets you lane so much easier. You can play mind games harass scout and be more reckless when getting gold. Also with his new buff I find manta style more or less pointless. His 4.2 agi gain gives him so much attack speed he will get 10 illusions easy (counting the ones created from his q and w). Still you know what you are talking about and there is no right way to play a hero. +1
taratos | July 14, 2012 9:33pm
jux is just useless early on and untill you get some attspd...
lvl 9 jux then 2x ult is WAY better IMO...

greez tara
Wulfstan (77) | July 12, 2012 11:22pm
If Juxtapose is useless early game,why pick it up at 4?Honestly,Just level out Spirit lance and Doppelwalk,then the juxtapose and ultimate.
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