Alternative Guide for a flexible hero
October 21, 2012
This is a alternative guide!!!
Only in public games AND to have too much fun!
To start this hero is supporter BUT in this guide we will build it as we want because it is a very flexible hero that molds according to the need of the game.
BEGIN with these items because they will give us enough status to survive or help in a first blood
Some people recommend doing first the "mechanism" before finishing the boots but that is something I do not really agree because it is very expensive and need the extra points and the speed of the power treads
Just buy one! (After early)
Ring of Aquila, Urn of shadows, Medallion of courage...
Well, let's talk about what to wear ...
These items will be needed to regenerate your mana and to support yourself and others but it depends on against who we are playing or in what conditions we are ...
Ring of Aquila: among the three options, I think we should use it when there isn't in our line and a Ring of Basilius, or when we need extra armor, when a fellow needs mana regeneration and/or when you need an extra status.
Urn of Shadows: is the cheapest of the three but is very effective when you kill and when you're close to a kill. likewise will serve to regenerate mana but mainly to recover our hp and not return to base and keep pushing that is a very good way to pressure the opposing team.
Medallion of Courage: useful for mana regeneration but exceptionally useful for those enemies down with much armor.
Mid Game
Very useful but will depend on the game and the for allies needs
To be hard carry (Pick just 2)
in this case, our priority should be the Desolator because in convinaci³n with WOT you inflict more damage.
choose between AC or S & Y depends on what you want, if you need more attack speed and movement (S & Y), or if we need attack speed, potentiate our damage and resist more in battles (AC)... These items are very expensive and not very typical of our hero but equally have good synergy.
To be supporter
Well, this is the case of our hero, we must help our team as we can. so our priority must be to keep them in good health, proportional auras and use our skills to contribute to the kills.
remember that your priority should not be to kill the enemy heroes only reinforce his death using your skills.
Mec to Escape (need)
to get out of uncomfortable situations when using our SWAP
In the second build I leave some combinations of items according to our needs or the needs of the game ... also I left the items I normally use, so i dont always use them but because we ended the game before ... lol
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