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Along Came A Spider

March 12, 2015 by CrimsonDragon
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Dr. Thunder | March 13, 2015 4:23pm
That's true. if you can block the charge and hit him with Orchid, Spirit Breaker becomes much easier. As for Ursa, Overpower ensures he'll hit you enough times even through evasion and Fury Swipes/Enrage makes sure he hit's hard. I still don't see many PA's going MKB, so it will work in 95% of your PA games.

Predator mindset is absolutely the best thing to do. She has a unique play style and thinking with that goal in mind is the key to play her effectively.
CrimsonDragon | March 13, 2015 12:04pm
Spirit Breaker, Ursa, and Wraith King are for the most part right-click heroes. Your bite gives them a rough time in actually hitting you, especially if you have a Butterfly. When they do hit you, you should be able to recover the damage with your lifesteal. I suppose it all comes down to luck.

However, as you mentioned with PA, my reasoning gets shut down with a MKB. I will look into fixing up my Hero Counter section in the future and I appreciate the comments.
Dr. Thunder | March 12, 2015 5:00pm
Good guide, however, there are some things i think are worth clearing up. First one is Manta Style. Unless I'm mistaken, raw damage doesn't carry over to illusions, only the damage you get from your stats. Also, the visual effect from Insatiable Hunger doesn't carry to illusions, so they'll be able to pick you out.

If you're worried about early game armor, the consensus is a quick basi ring will suffice. It spreads to your spiders, and can go into a vlads (if you want to push) or an aquillia (if you need stats). Poor Man's shield is a good option too. I always pick one up if i know i'm going to be in a rough lane.

Invis detection sucks, but you can counter ward really well by putting sentries in trees where the enemy can't reach them. If they ward a ton, a use necro 3 and just roll down the lane. Gem: Just run/ ask for gank. if you get detected by slardar or bounty hunter, using cyclone on yourself will purge it. so will diffusal blade, but i don't like wasting the charge. eul's is great actually. good speed boost, takes care of mana problems, and my fav...........purges dust!

As for enemies, AoE isn't your end (you should also add Legion Commander and Undying to that list though), but there are alternate (read: less popular) builds where you max bite and webs first. very good against AoE heroes. As for Lancer, QoP, Sand King, they can be taken care of with the bite build and a fast Orchid. went mid against an sand king and turned him into spider food (although i need to carry dust).

As for your items: if you have a strat, you and your items need to commit to it. a butterfly doesn't help you push. i would only get a pipe if no one else is making it. you don't need the hp regen

IMO your prey section needs the most work.

Bloodseeker can out right-click you, has steroid, and synergizes better with damage items.

Clockwork has stun and trap and HP. all big counters.

Huskar is like bloodseeker but worse.

Legion Commander has a scaling AoE, and the more spiders she gets in her Overwhelming Odds, the more damage she'll do to you. she can also get pretty tanky.

Lifestealer, same deal as most others. good right click, tanky, lifesteal. very hard 1v1.

PA. only prey once you have MKB, and she doesn't.

Pudge, kind of. his rot kills your spiders, but they can also block his hook. dismember takes you out pretty quickly, and he can be hard to kill once flesh heap kicks in.

Sniper is prey if you can safely close the gap and avoid shrapnel.

Please explain why you put the below heroes as "Prey"

Spirit Breaker. Just no. very hard to fight with his bashes. however, eul's will stop his charge/make you invulnerable, so pick that up if you're in a match against him.

Ursa. Aoe, HP, high damage/ superfast right click. A fairly strong counter to pretty much everything you have unless you outlevel him AND get a butterfly (and a halberd for good measure).

Wraith King. HP, 2 lives, big sword = big hurt
CrimsonDragon | February 24, 2015 5:58am
YellulzQuiet wrote:

I said that cause i find orchid situational on broodmother and not as a core item, cause it will not help your pushing as a necromicon will, not help you fighting power as a butterfly will and as i explained you dont need so hard this mana regen
i would only pick orchid when i am fighting a heavy aoe spell team like crystal maiden, Invoker and SHAKE SHAKE

Orchid Malevolence has always come in handy for me. On top of the attack speed and mana-regen, giving Broodmother a silence is key. She already excels against most other auto-attackers, so once you silence an enemy, all they can do is auto-attack or run. The extra damage they will take is pretty useful too.
YellulzQuiet (8) | February 22, 2015 1:10pm
I said that cause i find orchid situational on broodmother and not as a core item, cause it will not help your pushing as a necromicon will, not help you fighting power as a butterfly will and as i explained you dont need so hard this mana regen
i would only pick orchid when i am fighting a heavy aoe spell team like crystal maiden, Invoker and SHAKE SHAKE
YellulzQuiet (8) | February 22, 2015 1:06pm
Well, for one simple reason, Tread switching
You often need mana and only using soul ring can be a hard time to your mana pool
So you switch the power treads to int right when you cast a spell
sure you casy: hey i have the mana regen of Orchid Malevolence, but i thing that with tread switching and soul ring only you can deal with this trouble
also de atack speed and the stats will always help you
CrimsonDragon | February 20, 2015 8:40pm
I appreciate your explanation on why Power Treads are better, apaz.

I listed Phantom Assassin and Legion Commander as good match-ups because they rely heavily on their auto-attacks. Incapacitating Bite will cause some of their attacks to miss. Phantom can't crit if her hit doesn't connect. And if you get a Monkey King Bar you will always hit her.
When Legion begins a Duel against you, it works the same way. Unless her team wipes you out, she will most likely be unable to finish you off due your lifesteal and her attacks missing.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 20, 2015 7:08pm
Hello crimson thingy!
[icon=Gush size=100]

Will give you

[h1]biggest size[/h1]
will give you

biggest size

h2 and h3 stand for smaller sizes :)
YellulzQuiet (8) | February 20, 2015 3:59pm
I disagree with tranquils as you have the health regeneration, the movespeed and you are a rightclicker hero
If you want armor, the basilius ring is the way to go, or a medalion of courage could be a nice idea
You can make arcane boot if you want the mana regen and want to skip Orchid but you should leave this job to the supports
Phase boots are not so cool as you have damage from your ult and movement speed of the web
Power treads is what you want
michimatsch (26) | February 20, 2015 3:55pm
UH looks quite good to me...I don't really play brood that's why I want to ask why LC and PA are in the food list.
I mean Pa can just get a bf and crit your poor spiders and lc will come out from nowhere dust and duel you and that'S it
apaz (17) | February 20, 2015 3:55pm
A decent first guide.


Okay, It seems like you have the gameplay of Broodmother down. The guide is also formatted quite nicely. However, usually boots of choice are Power Treads. It's literally better in every way. The Strength that it gives will get you more EHP against both Physical and most definitely Magical Damage. This is for a few reasons.

1. You have really low starting HP. Armor becomes more and more efficient as you get more health, because it's percentage based. Buying more HP will give you more Effective HP (EHP) at lower health pools. If you were tanky, It would be a different story.

2. You don't need the sustain. You have Spin Web. That should be more than enough.

3. You want to scale into the late game. The Attack Speed given by Power Treads helps you do that. Tranquil Boots gives none of that. Because you get the bonus damage from Insatiable Hunger, and do so with bonus attack speed, you can actually DPS rather well through the midgame, and you can actually carry well, because of the fact that you have good stat growths, your Incapacitating Bite is so good against other carries, and you can farm rather well.

Anyway, great guide.

I'll be adding more to this comment later.
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