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Alien Nutrition Information (live 300+)

June 27, 2015 by Sir Wins A Lot
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I'm coming out with more information after they tell me more when i get out of prison

Oatmeal with about 1/8 teaspoon of cinnamon and raisins reduces diabetes and lowers high cholesterol.

Vitamin b17 as found in things like blackberries and raspberries is the cure and preventative measure to the nutritional deficiency known as cancer we get because we dont eat things like millet or bitter almonds anymore.

swishing your mouth out with listerine total care (its purple) helps you live to 300 years old i think they told me. -Smoothie recipes (dont tilt your head up to finish off a smoothie in a moving vehicle because if it stops short you could snap your neck.)

Here's another good smoothie:
pineapple- 16oz- (i used crushed in a can)
2 zuchini (i used 1 bag of frozen zuchini, boiled for 3 min)
1 cup spinach (i used frozen and boiled it w/ the zuchini)
2 bananas
1/2 mango
4 blackberries
4 tablespoons Synergy Kombucha Black Chia

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