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6 Votes

Alchemist - The Ganker

May 4, 2012 by Nasuuna
Comments: 2    |    Views: 24352    |   


DotA2 Hero: Alchemist

Hero Skills

Greevil's Greed (Innate)

Acid Spray

3 4 5 7

Unstable Concoction

1 8 9 10

Corrosive Weaponry

2 12 13 14

Chemical Rage

6 11 16


15 17 18

Alchemist - The Ganker

May 4, 2012

The Build

The reason I use this build is simple, you can start up your stun charge, invis in, and stun while next to them. Combine that with the 17 points of armor build and you can melt even tanks in seconds.

I have used this build for 2 years, and it is wonderfully enjoyable.


You get a point of Unstable Concoction early for denieing yourself (yes you can do that) and early ganks. Getting increased gold intake at level 2 to start farming fast. and use Acid Spray to melt waves (litteraly) and harass opposing heroes. If you need quick regen, the baby cd on Chemical Rage.

Last hit what you can, if you have a disabler as your lane partner, you can get tons of kills with stun+acid. Use acid to zone the enemies in your lane and denie them cs.


Because you are so durable even with this glassy cannon build, you can initiate easily, even 1v5 teams (not that hard depending on their team). Just Shadow Blade in with a stun charging, hit their hard cc/carry with it, and start clubbing.


Me, me, me, me, the person i originally saw with Lothar's Edge, me, Blizzard, Icefrog, Guinsoo, Valve, and me (:

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