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plus, i'd add that you can get alot out of stacked jungle camps once you have maelstrom since with your built you will build up the greevil's greed bonus gold really slowly and want to cash in the +30 as often as possible, with a triple stack of the easy camp and acid spray and ultimate it should be pretty easy to take those down -> lots of gold.
and i'd rather get AC before mjöllnir, since you get nice lightning procs with mealstrom alone but get alot of teamfight capabilities and defense from AC.
normally i go for midas -> treads or phase boots -> maelstrom -> basher -> AC -> helm of the dominator. depending on enemies there will be a bkb in there somewhere. after all of that i upgrade the maelstrom, basher and hotd to mjöllnir, abyssal and satanic. that is a tanky but still really offensive build in which you can even disable an enemy through bkb, so for example a lycan will suffer hard. you get the lifesteal that late since with your ult you dont really need lifesteal and mask of madness, like you said, is just a funbuild that should get punished in some games, since all your tankyness goes away once you activate it.
for a fun alchemist build i would add
seen a lot of alchemist in higher rated games using it recently
use it after you used concoction, really raises your ganking potential
Good point. Shadow blade always adds to the fun of ganking. Ty Friend.
seen a lot of alchemist in higher rated games using it recently
use it after you used concoction, really raises your ganking potential
Power treads beat phase boots on alchemist since he auto attacks for damage output.
Vanguard is a bad item and alchemist doesn't require defensive items considering how his ultimate works.
No reason for a Mjollnir on alchemist since his acid spray lowers enemy armor, hence you want to have a good amount of + damage to make him a threat. Attacking really fast with no damage with the hope of dealing chain lightning is not spending your gold wisely. If you're going to buy a hyper stone use it for an Assault cuirass later when you have damage to back it up.
BKB is a good item and core considering you can AoE stun by running in with it active.
All very good feedback. However, as I have mentioned before, this is not a professional, or even serious build. This is strictly for fun when you're messing around with friends. I would never use this if I actually intended to win a serious game. That been said, due to the general ignorance of pub games, I have yet to lose a game with this build. XD Not saying it's a good build, just saying the people I've been playing are bad lol. Ty for feedback.
P.S.-That been said, I definitely agree with you on the BKB. Will add to core. Ty
Vanguard is a bad item and alchemist doesn't require defensive items considering how his ultimate works.
No reason for a Mjollnir on alchemist since his acid spray lowers enemy armor, hence you want to have a good amount of + damage to make him a threat. Attacking really fast with no damage with the hope of dealing chain lightning is not spending your gold wisely. If you're going to buy a hyper stone use it for an Assault cuirass later when you have damage to back it up.
BKB is a good item and core considering you can AoE stun by running in with it active.
AH! Good thinking I totally forgot about Abyssal Blade. Will add to luxury. Ty. =D
Don't take this as bashing, but all of the items in your build are the items I never want to see on an alchemist : /
For me to not take this as bashing, you would have to offer some kind of feedback to go along with your remark. Otherwise it's just rude. Ty for post anyways though lol.
Why would you get
Also, I'd replace it with a
Guys......joke build lol. But, the reason i chose Mjollnirs and mask of madness is because they're fairly cost efficient(?) and I'm able to get them very quickly so i can get involved with my team fights much earlier than i would be able to if i had to save up for all of that. Best case case scenario however,(farming like a monster and tean is doing awesome) i would definitely take those items instead. Also, attack speed is the purpose of this build. Not getting how much i need, rathet how much is completely ridiculous. XD Ty for feedback.
Also, I'd replace it with a