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4 Votes

Alchemist as a Solo Mid Hero

April 24, 2014 by Wuzzly
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Wuzzly | April 25, 2014 11:21am
Timminatorr wrote:

I really like the build, too many people who play alchemist just max greevil's greed and try go get a midas, even in a dual lane that is heavily constested. Most probably dont even know mid and support alc is a thing.

I think the main thing that made hard carry alc fall off is that the usual build where carry alc's went for just makes him too squishy now, damage items were usually the thing to go for with assault cuirass and BKB as the only defensive items.
Now he cant afford to go that anymore becouse any burst damage will kill him so fast.

I think he is a little underestimated by most nowadays, the only one who really likes him is vici gaming's super.
But they havent played much games apart from a handfull against some chinese teams, but DK for example still banned him in the first round.

What do you think of getting mekanism on alc? Super usually goes for it, i usually go for a different build but i can see it replacing the drums in your build in some cases.

Mekansm would be a nice choice on a more support oriented Alchemist. He rarely has any mana problems once he grabs a couple of items and has his ultimate, and since you're in a core position, you can easily get it sooner than most other supports. If you grab a point or two early on in Greed and you stack the medium Radiant camp or the Dire hard camp (the camps closer the the midlane), you can easily get an 8-12 minute Mek (although around this time I much prefer roaming and trying to setup kills). Also, since he's in the middle of fights, he's one of the heroes that makes the best use of it, unlike a Rubick who needs to sit back and steal spells or a Shaman who just needs to sit back and Ward trap people. It also helps him with his armor problems because of Buckler.

And I agree with the rest of your post. The max Greed build makes him too easy to gank and rushing damage items after you get your core leaves him way too easy to burst down in fights. It's also why I usually grab a Heart right after I get my BKB+Basher.

Edit: I also think why people don't play Alchemist as a roaming hero and more as a farming hard carry is because there are quite a few videos of an Alchemist going for an obviously greedy, subpar, farming build (which is what I jokingly called the "jew alchemist build" in my guide). I guess it's cool to see "GPM: 1243" next to your name but in my opinion, it doesn't matter if you had little or no impact on your game.
Timminatorr (57) | April 25, 2014 8:32am
I really like the build, too many people who play alchemist just max greevil's greed and try go get a midas, even in a dual lane that is heavily constested. Most probably dont even know mid and support alc is a thing.

I think the main thing that made hard carry alc fall off is that the usual build where carry alc's went for just makes him too squishy now, damage items were usually the thing to go for with assault cuirass and BKB as the only defensive items.
Now he cant afford to go that anymore becouse any burst damage will kill him so fast.

I think he is a little underestimated by most nowadays, the only one who really likes him is vici gaming's super.
But they havent played much games apart from a handfull against some chinese teams, but DK for example still banned him in the first round.

What do you think of getting mekanism on alc? Super usually goes for it, i usually go for a different build but i can see it replacing the drums in your build in some cases.
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