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2 Votes

Air Strike

July 29, 2014 by Raylos
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Raylos | August 13, 2014 8:01am
miishin wrote:

What are you talking about? Rod of Atos and Mystic Flare both have a cast range of 1200. Concussive Shot's 40% slow + the 60% Rod of Atos slow almost guarantees a Mystic Flare, unless there's a Force Staff, Disruption, etc. on the enemy team. And all this is from 1200 units away, far enough that you'll never be in danger.

It is because of the fact of the cast time. For skywrath mage, a split second could determine whether or not you can secure a kill. The moment your concussion shot lands, there is simply not much use for atos once you know how to land your ulti. To rely on something so expensive for your ulti is in my opinion not the best way you should play skywrath mage. It oculd be fun for noobs but as you go into higher tiers, you would realise that you would need the gold for faster items to snowball.

Atos is a burden in terms of monetary means (opportunity cost) As well as the cast time which gives your opponent time to react/respond. The fraction of showing yourself could mean an enemy earthshaker throwing a fissure on top of you in comparison to just throwing everything and dissapearing into the forest.

Once again,hang on till i write my guide ><
Raylos | August 13, 2014 7:57am
Zrog wrote:

I'd like to see an explanation of Bloodstone > Rod of Atos before I rate this guide.

Yeap! Do hang on a moment because im having my promotional exams soon and do not have time atm to edit the guide. Please reserve your ratings as well as your judgements till then!! This guide is still new because i thought i should give it a jump start or else i would never write it ><
Zrog (1) | August 5, 2014 10:00am
I'd like to see an explanation of Bloodstone > Rod of Atos before I rate this guide.
Killa42 | July 30, 2014 8:11am
Nice guide! I like how you dont care about anything and say what you want like: (AFTER GETTING YOUR BLOODSTONE/LINKEN GET ANY**** YOU WANT, BE IT A Divine Rapier)
This makes the guide fun! +1
miishin (2) | July 30, 2014 8:10am
Atos is merely a burden for me as i have to be in cast range to cast atos.

What are you talking about? Rod of Atos and Mystic Flare both have a cast range of 1200. Concussive Shot's 40% slow + the 60% Rod of Atos slow almost guarantees a Mystic Flare, unless there's a Force Staff, Disruption, etc. on the enemy team. And all this is from 1200 units away, far enough that you'll never be in danger.
Raylos | July 29, 2014 8:20am
implicate wrote:

Great guide :), I'm curious why you don't recommend Rod of Atos

Hey implicate!

Rightoooo i will explain that in my guide so stay tune ;)

Main idea: Sure health boost is good, intel is great, but the money can be better invested in other items IE a scythe, faster bloodstone, aghs etc. Also, i have no issues landing the ulti without any slows other than w. Atos is merely a burden for me as i have to be in cast range to cast atos. It usually does no significant impact in my game unless i have issues landing my AIR FCKING STRIKES :D

Once again, stay tuned ;)

*PS, i will take a long while to update this because.. EXAMS lol*
Raylos | July 29, 2014 8:18am
jfox0419 wrote:

Hmm... Interesting Guide. I usually go for more mobility to stay alive but I will try this build!

Hey man! Hmm i wouldnt recommend you following this build for now because i have not explained the skill usages as well as scenario. Since this guide is more skill-and-when-you-should-do-what orientated, all you need to do for the The item build itself is to manage the mana issue of SWM. That being said, this guide has nothing to contribute for SWM at the moment other than the skill build. Without knowing how to play SWM with this guide, using this guide is potentially suicidal. Once again, DONT USE THIS GUIDE TILL I COMPLETED XD I do not want to short change your experience for a fun hero like SWM
implicate | July 29, 2014 7:08am
Great guide :), I'm curious why you don't recommend Rod of Atos
jfox0419 | July 29, 2014 7:08am
Hmm... Interesting Guide. I usually go for more mobility to stay alive but I will try this build!
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