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4 Votes

Aggressive Crystal Maiden

December 11, 2013 by Sherudon
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saifthedestroyer (6) | December 15, 2013 11:03pm
Shadow blade honestly isnt worth it because it gets countered by items which cost less then 200 gold, also 1-2 lvls in arcane aura are enough early
Sherudon | December 12, 2013 7:37am
samukobo wrote:

Maxing aura first used to be great, but now it's inferior to the nova first build right now tbh. The mana sustain is nice, but with how Crystal Maiden is played in this meta (extremely aggressive, roaming A LOT), maxing it first won't be effective.

Right now, the most common builds with her are getting Frostbite, Crystal Nova and the Arcane Aura, followed up with a nova max with an optional additional levle of Frostbite.

That or not getting the aura at all until maxing your first 2 skills and getting 1 level of your ult.

This type of CM, like I said used to be good when the meta was very passive, relying on dual lane farming but right now it's just outdated.

EDIT: Also Shadow Blade really shouldn't be considered at all in semi-decent or more matches because it doesn't give anything besides the invis ult, which is so easily shut down.

So far I have yet to play against a CM who has won her lane with maxing her low damage nuke skills roaming is a good thing, playing a nuke hard semi carry role is far too selfish and hurts your team more than a slow moving snare slow unit, it sounds small but +2 mana regen to a BH gives him greater gank potential as such.

In my entire post i'm quite adamant about the team not my own kdr, with a lower nuke damage, the effect is way more useful to your lane partner getting the last hit instead of you, most of my games with this CM build I don't have a late game, my team has got a high kill/towers and lane dominance that GG is called in 20-30 min.

to the shadow blade comment, that is your choice, though I never even suggested invis ulti, that is correct its very stoppable, but you waste a auto attack nuke, escape and initiate opportunity and most importantly added speed, so far for an outdated build it's still winning my lane, 1st blood and 1st tower in almost all games played.

Cheers for the input though bro.
samukobo (28) | December 12, 2013 7:00am
Maxing aura first used to be great, but now it's inferior to the nova first build right now tbh. The mana sustain is nice, but with how Crystal Maiden is played in this meta (extremely aggressive, roaming A LOT), maxing it first won't be effective.

Right now, the most common builds with her are getting Frostbite, Crystal Nova and the Arcane Aura, followed up with a nova max with an optional additional levle of Frostbite.

That or not getting the aura at all until maxing your first 2 skills and getting 1 level of your ult.

This type of CM, like I said used to be good when the meta was very passive, relying on dual lane farming but right now it's just outdated.

EDIT: Also Shadow Blade really shouldn't be considered at all in semi-decent or more matches because it doesn't give anything besides the invis ult, which is so easily shut down.
Sherudon | December 12, 2013 5:29am
CreamDog wrote:

good guide, looks great, but I usually get one in frostbite then into nova then into Aura, But this is generally the essential Crystal maiden guide, Good work!

yeah, the basic guide is still works around it, you can always get a power earlier and one later, like the ulti can be collected earlier or later as needed noggertz as your lane phase goes, usualy though most games will snowball to the point where you have 2-3 levels over your lane and you simply overpower people even 2v1.

Cheers for the likes bro's

Going to post up my voker builds I think, I'm kind of interested in seeing responses to that.
noggertz (1) | December 12, 2013 12:22am
This is really how CM should be played. I play her just the same most of the time though I changes the skill and item builds depending on the situation (I usually get crystal nova at lvl 2, then max frostbite and aura, then freezing field lvl 10-11 But it really depends on how the game is shaping up).
Very nice guide! +1!
CreamDog (2) | December 11, 2013 8:26pm
good guide, looks great, but I usually get one in frostbite then into nova then into Aura, But this is generally the essential Crystal maiden guide, Good work!
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