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Again and again, I live and die (A guide to Dirge, the Undying)

November 28, 2012 by ZeyGoggles
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ZeyGoggles | November 30, 2012 5:12pm
wilddeonpwn wrote:

Good job on writing the guide! I never really thought about Orb of Venom on Undying, it does seem like it will work, though. I don't think you should be the one getting Mekansm. Your main role is to run into the enemy team, activate ultimate and tank every living thing there. Would Hoof of Defiance or Vanguard work better?

I like the way you show your skills, the smaller and different font text is pretty interesting, and of course you explain it underneath. I think you should add an item explanation chapter, for the sole reason of telling everyone why you get Mekansm etc.

Anyways, good guide, pretty alright to read, +1 :)

Item justification coming soon!
BlueDrank | November 29, 2012 8:41pm
Dis is good guide
Kvothe | November 28, 2012 9:54pm
I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no reason to put 2 lvl's in decay early. All you want is the strength sap. I go decay, rip, 3 tombstone, ult, tomb, rip, etc... Its fine that you go 2 in rip early but the decay should be kept at 1.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 28, 2012 8:59pm
Good job on writing the guide! I never really thought about Orb of Venom on Undying, it does seem like it will work, though. I don't think you should be the one getting Mekansm. Your main role is to run into the enemy team, activate ultimate and tank every living thing there. Would Hoof of Defiance or Vanguard work better?

I like the way you show your skills, the smaller and different font text is pretty interesting, and of course you explain it underneath. I think you should add an item explanation chapter, for the sole reason of telling everyone why you get Mekansm etc.

Anyways, good guide, pretty alright to read, +1 :)
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