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2 Votes

Advanced Guide to Owning with Lanaya the Templar Assassin

May 27, 2015 by Shigu
Comments: 17    |    Views: 37093    |   

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TheSofa (54) | September 21, 2015 8:13pm
Thifiell wrote:

I like battle fury on TA, I can cast refraction non stop and have good damage and regeneration (I hate bottles). Why is it not popular item? I do not care about the cleave effect

Someone help this poor soul.
Thifiell | September 21, 2015 6:53pm
I like battle fury on TA, I can cast refraction non stop and have good damage and regeneration (I hate bottles). Why is it not popular item? I do not care about the cleave effect
Dmon | September 21, 2015 8:28am
Uhh no Black King Bar ??? And why take satanic why u already bought Desolator 1st ??? UAMs dont stack u know... Oh by the way u suck **** XD. Why the fk u would reject basher??? It is basically the BEASTEST item on her besides Desolator cuz u dont kill nubz that fast late game and they will most likely TP away (unless u play the team game and no hunt nubz). Oh also Power Treads is definitely better than boots of travels early game and ties with Phase Boots so u should add that item too. This is just my opinion so no hate plzz :))
Shigu | July 22, 2015 3:16pm
soreslands wrote:

when i play as the Templar assassin i like to wait on picking my first skill as i go for either the top or bottom rune almost without fail and i find that a Templar with refraction going usually wins the rune fight but if i am able to get the rune uncontested i will go psi blades for extra harassment anyway just something to consider

Oh! Thanks for pointing that out! I also do that in my games as well but I usually wait to see who is gonna be my opponent laner even if I got the rune uncontested.
soreslands | July 21, 2015 1:57am
when i play as the Templar assassin i like to wait on picking my first skill as i go for either the top or bottom rune almost without fail and i find that a Templar with refraction going usually wins the rune fight but if i am able to get the rune uncontested i will go psi blades for extra harassment anyway just something to consider
Shigu | July 6, 2015 10:21am
Zetsuna wrote:

Maybe you should add section when to pick TA or when to pick for clearer about Refraction section, for example Slark Dark Pact purge Templar Assassin Refraction and maybe kinda detection for her traps, Or maybe you should add some other skill sequence for exceptional enemy maybe. Just one more is it worth to buy orchid on TA if against Storm Spirit or Anti Mage ? Or just go with Desolator to burst them down? -Kinda newbie player on TA-

I'll try my best to redo this guide but school kinda started here and I'm a bit busy haha

Now, about that orchid thing, I personally feel it's a big no since you can ask teammates for silencers/disablers/stunners during the picking phase but some normally low leveled pub players aren't "that" attentive in some servers. If this is the case, then Orchid COULD be a core as TA is flexible but I really highly recommend this as a last choice as she could buy more worthy item choices with the gold spent. The mana regen, DPS gain and AS gain can also bring you to an upper hand against not only storm spirit but most escapers. Based on DotaBuff, there are 4,000+ matches played with TA carrying an Orchid and it is on a 55.50% win rate.
Zetsuna (1) | July 2, 2015 2:21pm
Maybe you should add section when to pick TA or when to pick for clearer about Refraction section, for example Slark Dark Pact purge Templar Assassin Refraction and maybe kinda detection for her traps, Or maybe you should add some other skill sequence for exceptional enemy maybe. Just one more is it worth to buy orchid on TA if against Storm Spirit or Anti Mage ? Or just go with Desolator to burst them down? -Kinda newbie player on TA-
Shigu | June 7, 2015 5:55am
R-Conqueror wrote:

I like the guide! one thing you should definitely add is a "foes" section, as you already have a great allies one. I would also try to avoid really broad statements, maybe give us some more specifics in different parts of your guide. Also, watch your text colors, some of them are hard to read. +1!


Black King Bar

You just have to have one in your build, TA gets controlled so hard without it. I'm afraid I'll have to take away my +1 until you at least address that, sorry man :(

Sorry I replied very late! I was really busy these past few weeks and yeah, thought about it so I added the Black King Bar already hahahaha I think I forgot about that item while I was writing this. As of the colors, I'll "recolor" them ;)
R-Conqueror (24) | June 1, 2015 6:51pm
I like the guide! one thing you should definitely add is a "foes" section, as you already have a great allies one. I would also try to avoid really broad statements, maybe give us some more specifics in different parts of your guide. Also, watch your text colors, some of them are hard to read. +1!


Black King Bar

You just have to have one in your build, TA gets controlled so hard without it. I'm afraid I'll have to take away my +1 until you at least address that, sorry man :(
Shigu | May 29, 2015 2:58am
michimatsch wrote:

That's quite easy
do { quote}{/quote }.
I feel like after I wrote so much for this guide I deserve a +rep XD.
Nah. You would have already +reped me if i deserved it and I like to help. You seem to have put in a lot of work into this and it just requires a bit order.
Good luck with that!

Thank you so much again for your help michimatsch!! ^_^ And yes, I did give you a +rep because you really deserved it.
michimatsch (26) | May 28, 2015 6:22pm
That's quite easy
do [ quote][/quote ].
I feel like after I wrote so much for this guide I deserve a +rep XD.
Nah. You would have already +reped me if i deserved it and I like to help. You seem to have put in a lot of work into this and it just requires a bit order.
Good luck with that!
Shigu | May 28, 2015 3:24pm
OMG I'm so sorry for not replying sooner and I don't really know how to do a direct reply so I'll reply to all of you in this comment (I'm so sorry! TT^TT)

Sorry if its a bit confusing I'll edit the item build as soon as I can and I'll try to make as many build as possible :3 its just that as a starter to make a guide here, I'm kind of confused at the complexity of the codes and such XD (yes, I have read a lot of guides about making a guide too). Btw thanks for the compliment! Took me a week to get this published though ^_^

As much as Yasha is very uhmmm, a confused item(I think?) over Blink Dagger, I get what you are thinking, promise. Its just that with Yasha you'd get MS gain plus AS gain. It sometimes depends on many factors as well like "do you farm well?". TA is kinda carry-ish ganker like Puck and Storm Spirit. But thanks for pointing that out :) I'll make it clearer as a Yasha OR Blink Dagger kind of section. It is sometimes based on preferences as well though. OMG I sincerely sincerely apologize for making you too confused... :<

About the Bloodstone thing I'll just make it clearer as this is kinda only an optional item but if I can't make it clearer or as clear as possible for you all to understand I think I might as well remove it.

TY for your comment I don't hate you, actually. it helped me understand other people's POV and thanks for that a bunch!!! :D

Like michimatsch said yes, it does. Any DOT items and skills burn off Refraction (I'll add that to the guide as well, thanks for mentioning!).

Funny name hahaha, but yeah it do feel awkward at first (even for me) but once you'd try bloodstone it sorta get rids of mana issues and the pocket suicide is actually very handy. This is in optional items as it depends on your game, farm capabilities, snowball potential and many more.

Eye of Skadi is on the rejected portion because 1, it's kinda too expensive and I'd personally go Desolator but I think about it and I'll move it to the optional area. It is also in the rejected items because it doesn't stack with deso at all. It also doesn't melt towers down as fast as deso do because of the lowered armor debuff and when chasing heroes down, you'd probably have your blink dagger already.

As for Diffusal Blade I sincerely apologize... I forgot there was a patch that states it no longer is an orb effect and therefore can stack with Desolator and others as such. I'll put it in the optional area.

The fact that both of these items are great for TA, as an agi hero, these will make her kind of a mid-late game carry as you need to farm a lot for the 2 Ultimate Orbs early-mid game.

To: Everyone who might check this reply or something XD
Thank you all for your kind comments and suggestions. I really hope I answered most of your questions :< I will really work hard and edit this guide more so that many others including you all will get and understand my guide and build. I sincerely apologize again for all those errors and mistakes. Thank you once again and have a great day(or night)

PS. How do you post a direct reply to the people who commented? XD
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