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5 Votes

Abyssal Underlord: A Definitive Guide

January 15, 2014 by ReAlChemist
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ReAlChemist (2) | January 16, 2014 6:41pm
This guide assumes you will be going mid and have a bottle, so Soul Ring would be too much investment in mana. On an aggro dual or tri lane, Soul Ring would definitely be a viable choice.

EDIT: I include Arcane Boots in the anti-gank build because then you need a large mana pool to be able to cast all your spells and a teleport scroll, and also to ensure the allies you are saving have some mana to cast things that can help them survive or turn the gank around. Soul Ring wouldn't help your allies and would send you into combat less 150 HP, so I don't include it for that build.
Wulfstan (77) | January 16, 2014 12:04pm
I'd like to add that pit lord spams his spells quite a lot, so maybe a Soul Ring in lane would not be such a bad idea.

Otherwise, good guide.
ReAlChemist (2) | January 16, 2014 10:05am
I made it i.r.t. DotA 2 for a soon-to-be-ported hero so when the hero arrives (possibly with the next event, probably w/i a month) people will have some idea of how to play the hero, or at least a foundation to develop their own playstyle.
uzupro | January 16, 2014 9:37am
you made this guide w.r.t to dota (warcraft) ??
ReAlChemist (2) | January 15, 2014 7:33pm
No he isn't in DoTA 2 yet, but he is expected to be ported next.
battleoffury | January 15, 2014 6:26pm
pretty good guild but i dont think he is in dota 2?
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