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March 3, 2014 by IMWolfHaley
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Silencer | June 4, 2015 12:59am
A very OP combo is to go all tank passives and then pugnas ult. You get aghs ASAP and then just outlast them with lifesteal and crazy passives. Make sure to get a Heart of tarrasque.
HarehDaChosenOne | September 6, 2014 4:22pm
I recently played an ability draft game and got an all passive combo that'll work on almost all heroes, no matter ranged or mele. I got Lich, who might not be the best hero for this biuld but as i said, it works with prety much every hero.
My spells were:
- Omniknight's Degen Aura (Good chasing ability)
- Tiny's Craggy Exterior (Good disable/ escape ability)
- Visage's Gravekeeper's Cloak (20 armor and 68% magic ressistance, a.k.a. gg, also good for initiation)
And Tiny's Grow!.
The combo has great synergy, oh and did i mention 425 speed with power treads? (i really wanted -5 speed :/ )
I built Power Treads, Mjollnir, Daedalus, and Heart of Tarrasque. If i had more time i would have build Desolator too, but it ended too quickly, simply because of my OP- ness.

Previous match was Viper with:
- Slark's Essence Shift (After a teamfight i had 144 agility stolen! 144!)
- Skeleton... i mean Wraith King's Vampiric Aura (survivability at its finest)
- Queen of Pain's Blink (found it quite useful)
- And Omniknight's Guardian Angel (Because there was nothing left to pick)
I built a Heart of Tarrasque (Cause all i needed was to survive until i had stolen enough agility) Power Treads (i think i set them to strenght, again, for survivability) Orchid Malevolence (i was blinking constantly, using my ult and my) Mekansm (just because my team were fairly squishy, and some healing really turned the tables) also i made Sange and Yasha for speed, survivability and agility and a Black King Bar (just because they had all the stuns. Centaur Warrunner 's, Witch Doctor's, Charge of Darkness, Greater Bash and Nether Strike. a total of 10~ sec full disable.)But we won Every. Single. Teamfight.

RNJesus was on my side today.
crank1199 (1) | April 20, 2014 2:33am
One time i got untouchable, spell shield, rot and shadow dance.
I've been invicible. I don't know how to link the skills so sry.
mastadoom (7) | March 6, 2014 4:31am
The beast thing i can think of is getiing Lina for her highest base range in the game, then get Overpower, Take Aim Psi Blades and Impetus. get an agh's and a bunch of survivability items and mana regen, and just throw impetus shots from 1.3k range.
ironorange | March 4, 2014 11:07pm
I like this guide a lot epecially since people new to ability draft make get fluster and/or confused when they first play this mode (I know i did). However, on to the OP combo which is a variation of your huggernaut build but with Sticky Napalm + Maledict. I also had Midnight Pulse and Death Ward for more dps but the core was those two skills which caused a ridiculously amounts of damage and wait for it "You have slain an enemy." Good guide :)
snoevit | March 4, 2014 2:07pm
Had this amazing time last night.
I got Lich and had the last pick.
I ended up with:

- Charge of Darkness
- Brain Sap
- Poof
- Divided We Stand

Charge lvl 4 gives a 2.4 secon stun, so at any point that i spotted an enemy staying solo, I sent all my Liches on him, Brain Sap and Poof resulting in 8-13 seconds of stun and an overkill
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 3, 2014 10:09pm
I think you should create another guide and "Archive" this one (top right corner). You can simply copy all the information and put them in the new guide.
IMWolfHaley | March 3, 2014 8:40pm
Ayy thanks for commenting, fixed the brackets up. And there isn't any way I could move this into General Strategy is there?
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | March 3, 2014 7:23pm
The thing that you don't need is a Skull Basher because it has a 10% chance on ranged heroes. Lina her self has a strong benefit from Eye of Skadi with Satanic. If you're playing Lina semi-carry (and she is AMAZING semi-carry) getting Aghanim's Scepter is always situational, Monkey King Bar, Orchid Malevolence. For a semi-carry Lina core boots are Power Treads or Phase Boots. Heart of Tarrasque, Mjollnir, Scythe of Vyse, Shiva's Guard are late game items. I think that Manta Style can be purchased on Lina. Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade is a must buy. But I play her with Shadow Blade, because it's better for me, my own way.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 3, 2014 6:52pm
The guide itself is kinda helpful, but you should've posted it as a "general strategy" guide and not as a Hero guide. You should also fix the square brackets since you need double brackets - not single brackets - to link the Hero/ability.

Some combos are really hilarious, I think there's a lot of stuff you can do with abilities like Aftershock and Rearm. Permanent Invisibility or Nature's Guise, also, can be used for an invisible nuker build if you want to add it.

Another tier 1 ability I like is Teleportation, it is sooo strong.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | March 3, 2014 4:34pm
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