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Abbadon- a guide to freeze your privates

July 14, 2013 by SuperNova-Sin
Comments: 3    |    Views: 6696    |   

Crazy Carry

DotA2 Hero: Abaddon

Hero Skills

Withering Mist (Innate)

Mist Coil

4 9 13 14

Aphotic Shield

1 3 5 7

Curse of Avernus

2 8 10 12

Borrowed Time

6 11 16


15 17 18

Abbadon- a guide to freeze your privates

July 14, 2013

Intro -

hey all this guide is brought to you by Supernova-Sin, this is my second guide and whilst i know then choices i make with items are a little (ahem, alot) weird bare with me. since he came out i've been trialing this against other builds and its proven to fit my play style to a tee. this guide focus's on shifting Abbadon into a variety of roles through out the game. in the early game you can support if needed ( i usually mid but thats not always viable) through the early to mid phase you take on the role of a ganker and snowball into the carry and tanky teamfighter that every team needs. i'll state straight away that this build may not be viable in pro matches and that i am not in any way shape or form a pro. anyhow lets get to it.

this guide is also not finished and i will come back to it. i'm posting it publicly now to recieve some thoughts on the skill build and item choices, please dont give criticism unless you have tried it.

Abilities- uses and

Mist Coil

Abaddon releases a coil of death that can damage an enemy unit or heal a friendly unit at the cost of some of Abaddon's health.

Heals or Damages: 100 / 150 / 200 / 250
Health Cost: 50 / 75 / 100 / 125

Mana Cost: 75 Cooldown Time: 5

this is useful in a variety of ways, you can deny yourself, heal friends, damage or kill enemies with it, trigger your shield to burst or have your ult activate whilst doing any of the above.

Aphotic Shield

Summons dark energies around an ally unit, creating a shield that absorbs a set amount of damage before expiring. When the shield is destroyed it will burst and deal damage equal to the amount it absorbed to an area around it. Removes certain types of negative buffs and stuns on cast.

Absorbed Damage: 110 / 140 / 170 / 200
Cast Range: 500
Burst Radius: 675
Duration: 15 seconds.

Mana Cost: 100 / 105 / 110 / 115 Cooldown Time: 12 / 10 / 8 / 6

another multi-use ability, this can be used in the laning stage to assist with farming, both from the damage block and the damage when it breaks. its also good for when you run down enemies, if your close you wont even need to hit them on low health, usually they attack and it blows up killing them. also useful to hold out those few crucial seconds till your ult is off cooldown.

Curse of Avernus

Abaddon strikes an enemy with chilling power on each attack, causing all units who attack the slowed enemy to gain increased movement speed, along with faster attack speed, for a limited time.

Duration of Slow: 2.5
Movement Speed Slow: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20%
Duration of Bonuses: 4.5
Bonus Attack Speed: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
Bonus Movement Speed: 15%

Note: The Curse of Avernus buff is placed before Abaddon attacks, so he gets the bonus on his first hit.

this ability, like the rest is useful in more than one set way. chasing heros down by speeding you up and slowing them down is the primary one but you can also buff your creeps if you wish to push by attacking all enemy creeps just once so they get the buff, your lane will surge forward and hit the toward much quicker if done right. also useful in team fights when the enemy has a hard carry, by your team targeting whoeever you hit they all can apply a much faster amount of damage to that super fed anti mage.

Borrowed Time

When activated, most negative buffs will be removed and any damage you take will heal instead of damaging you. If the ability is not on cooldown, it will passively activate when your hitpoints drop below a certain threshold.

Duration: 3 / 4 / 5 (*5 / 6 / 7) *SCEPTER UPGRADE

Borrowed Time will activate itself if you suffer damage while you have less than 400 HP.
Upon casting Borrowed Time, Abaddon will effectively dodge any projectiles currently flying at him.
When activated it removes negative buffs from Abaddon.
Borrowed Time can be manually activated.

Cooldown Time: 60 / 50 / 40

the ult, this SOB makes lions ult your fountain... hell it makes the enemy fountain your fountain. this is mostly ok to leave to in the hands of the auto trigger but it can be worth using if your on low health and there is a hero able to deal enough damage to kill you in one hit. also it should be noted if you have armlet on and then toggle it off it will not trigger so potentially you can run around on less than 400 health

item justification

right, so those 3 bracers... well it started out as a lazy playstyle but really works and can be carried across to other strength heroes. before you disagree, look at them... they give you more intel, so more mana regen and also a larger mana pool for that shield you come to love. the extra agi isnt all that amazing but its still a further increase in Attack speed and a slight bump in armour. then more strength, so more damage, more health to tank with and on top of that they come with more damage for free. in an early laning phase these pay for themselves over and over, they give you that mana you need to get your shield up, that extra something when you chase someone down. aaand once you run out of inventory space just sell them for some money to finish that item your 200 gold short on.

as for the rest.....

Armlet of the Mordiggian -
the armlet gives you more attack speed and damage and health.. its perfect. you can use it in a pinch to give you more time till your ult come up and you can also use it to assist in cracking your shield in the enemies face. getting this first allows you to really rack up some kills and survive if your laning was bad.

Skull Basher- the skull basher comes next as between the Armlet and your passive you now have the speed needed to get it to stun regularly. stunning is great as it allow you to get in close for your shield to blow or even for you to come in and catch up to them if you were starting to be left behind.

Mask of Madness- getting this has multiple positive outcomes-
1) you can chase enemies down or escape
2)you can attack so fast with this +Armlet + passive giving you lots of lovely stuns.
3) 30% extra damage is infact 30% extra heal whilst under the effects of your ult.
4) you now have a scary mask.
so as you can see this item is freaking perfect on a guy with lots of stuns and damage, not to mention a slow to allow you to really close the distance. we get this third because without the Armlet and Basher it wont be used to its full potential.

in a place in the near(ish) future.....

thats all for now i'll wait till i get more responses then tweak it up and add all the fancy colours and item links.

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