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Abaddon in a nutshell

September 1, 2012 by justanasian
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DNoonan | September 14, 2014 2:17pm
u have a couple of problems your calling him an ultra tank with your build even though your core is MoM nuff said but you also have almost no armour making tanking any right clicks even from supports difficult id suggest going either mek blademail veil if u have nukers or even armlet but u need some armour also you buy almost no damage in your build until l8 game meaning youll be dealling 60 damage mid game (where abaddon needs to kill people to snowball) to everyone but squishy supports which will allow the enemy team to completely ignore you making being tanky redundant in whitch case abyssal mjollnir and even Daedalus would help a lot with making the enemy team want to focus u

last thing radiance will also forse the enemy to focus u and give u a large atk boost but its not a carry item I assume this was a mistake just making u aware of it
justanasian | October 3, 2012 4:31am
Raiden wrote:

hey aghanims has no effect.....

last time i checked it extends his ulti
Raiden | October 1, 2012 3:35am
hey aghanims has no effect.....
justanasian | September 14, 2012 3:46am
NotSureIf wrote:

It appears to be another one of those discussions about Abaddon's true role. I used to main him on HoN (He was called Accursed on HoN) and IF by chance you weren't building him as a support other players would indeed hound you for it. However he is a very very powerful early game carry if you build him like I did which was Shield > Frostmourne > Nuke > Nuke > Nuke > Ulti because even though your shield is supposed to only block a set amount of damage, it acted more like a spell block for instance if the shielded target was hit by Lina's Laguna Blade, he wouldn't take any of the damage even though its supposed to only block 200 damage and so on.

id still remain to keep my main stat going for shield, the cooldown makes it one of my favorite pushing abilites, sure you may find it might not do amazing damage but it's a hella good chasing skill with phase boots
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 1, 2012 2:06pm
I Luv abbadon, just rite your next guide better. And make the skill build a lot tidier
NotSureIf (16) | September 1, 2012 12:35pm
It appears to be another one of those discussions about Abaddon's true role. I used to main him on HoN (He was called Accursed on HoN) and IF by chance you weren't building him as a support other players would indeed hound you for it. However he is a very very powerful early game carry if you build him like I did which was Shield > Frostmourne > Nuke > Nuke > Nuke > Ulti because even though your shield is supposed to only block a set amount of damage, it acted more like a spell block for instance if the shielded target was hit by Lina's Laguna Blade, he wouldn't take any of the damage even though its supposed to only block 200 damage and so on.
justanasian | September 1, 2012 4:11am
You can pick either, abaddon is a pretty flexible hero, if you want tank go for the tanky items, carry go for the damage items. If you feel you won't be getting early kills, don't touch frostmourne and keep leveling aphotic shield with death coil right behind it. And imo IF you're building abaddon into a tank it builds him into a semi carry anyway, being able to clash so long in a teamfight you'll deal so much damage anyway, not only with your basic attack but with death coil and the constant aphotic shield spam.
NotSureIf (16) | September 1, 2012 2:45am
Just a quick question. Is this build to build Abaddon as a semi-carry, support or tank?
justanasian | September 1, 2012 2:03am
probably didnt write the guide how you guys would like me to :\ never written one before and i used to play abaddon 24/7 lol
Hades4u (296) | September 1, 2012 1:39am
Did you ever play Abaddon? From what I read you don't even know what's going on.
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