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6 Votes

Abaddon carry best carry

January 11, 2014 by Cleu
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JollyWiLaska | October 2, 2016 6:30pm
I'd suggest semi carry too. Anyways what I want to say is that abaddon is a super tower diver. If he has a lot of damage he can easily get them alone cause of his shield and ultimate and can be a game changer.
Ripslasher | November 1, 2014 8:39am
Oh and Abaddon as Carry isn't a very good Idea because in a team fight he's usually aimed at last because of his extreme durability and rushing Vladimir's Offering is just.....well ridiculous, you'd be better off with a Mask Of Madness also Getting A Heart Of Tarasque is better than Getting Abyssal because with it you essentially become a Meat Wall capable of surviving An Onslaught very Easily though watching out for Nukers or enemies with high Crit Damage so you won't get Killed
Ripslasher | November 1, 2014 8:18am
If you're gonna Get Abyssal Blade you Might As well get an Eye Of Skadi for an even Stronger Slow Effect leaving most if not all enemy heroes without an escape mechanism helpless also Get Aghanims Scepter so you're ultimate will last longer letting you tank more damage
Shipy00 | May 4, 2014 7:58am
to_ena wrote:

Usually i will have item as below:

quelling blade, tango 2x, ironwood branch 3x.

Phase boot -> mask of madness -> basher -> assault cuirass -> heart of tarrasque
to_ena | March 25, 2014 5:28pm
Usually i will have item as below:

quelling blade, tango 2x, ironwood branch 3x.

Phase boot -> mask of madness -> basher -> assault cuirass -> heart of tarrasque
Mohrb | January 13, 2014 8:51pm
Just because this guide doesn't have the best items doesn't mean abaddon can't be a great carry. True, he doesn't have quite as much damage, but he's one of the best initiators out there.... Especially with a dazzel support, good luck stopping him with an armlet and/or mask of madness.

He does have counters, but so does everyone.
dynasty987 (6) | January 12, 2014 1:55pm
Vlads first is awful. It gives percentage based bonuses (damage incrase, lifesteal) and hence is pretty terrible cost/effectiveness early game.
samukobo (28) | January 12, 2014 1:14am
I'm surprised at the lack of Mask of Madness in this carry guide, it's a pretty huge core.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | January 12, 2014 1:06am
Yasutsuna wrote:

Lawl, another guide who wants Abaddon to play carry. Hear from our friend, Peppo, why he shouldn't play as carry and/or hard carry.

Told by the master why Abaddon should not be played as a carry. Except a semi-carry, that is.

Thank you. <3

But still, if I had to correct this guide, I would first facepalm at the Vladmir's Offering rush, then suggest to substitute it with a Drum of Endurance because it gives even more movement speed (which stacks with SnY), is one of the most cost-efficient items and synergizes well with Phase Boots, which you talked about but didn't list. BKB is also one of your highest priority if you're carry: having Borrowed Time doesn't mean you're invincible since Heroes like Bane can Fiend's Grip you first and then Nightmare you when you're under the effect of your ultimate.

I don't like carry Abaddon, but it's fun. Well, not as fun as Phase + Medallion + BKB carry Dazzle, but it still is.

EDIT: did I just write "Most of the time you can use the Shield on an enemy instead of tower diving yourself" in my original post? I obviously meant on a teammate, I'm so stupid sometimes. D:
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | January 11, 2014 9:01pm
Oh I cant start again on why he isnt supposed to be a carry, also your item build is sketical, you lack AS to proc bashes and minibashes.
Yasutsuna (51) | January 11, 2014 8:33pm
Lawl, another guide who wants Abaddon to play carry. Hear from our friend, Peppo, why he shouldn't play as carry and/or hard carry.

Talking about carry Abaddon, he's not a "****" carry: he can't keep up with the other carries by any means (hence why people don't want to play him that way), but he can get easily fed and can tower dive thanks to the Aphotic Shield and Borrowed Time; most of the time you can use the Shield on an enemy instead of tower diving yourself, but it's like using Inner Vitality on yourself so it's a pretty normal thing. I myself prefer playing support Abaddon since, like Rubick and Nyx, he provides so much utility without items and with little levels (level 6 is enough for all of them), plus he can also survive teamfights with ease; playing a farming role is still fun but I wouldn't do that unless playing dual lanes/mid with a harder carry in my team.

Told by the master why Abaddon should not be played as a carry. Except a semi-carry, that is.
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