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3 Votes

A Waskily Terrorblade Guide

July 24, 2014 by DatWaskilyWabbit
Comments: 6    |    Views: 9881    |   

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DatWaskilyWabbit | July 25, 2014 12:23pm
Yasutsuna when you say break S&Y do u mean keep the sange and just get and i will be cutting out for a and and i forgot to add the so that will be added as well again thank you for your feedback
DatWaskilyWabbit | July 25, 2014 12:18pm
thank you for your feed back i will be editing this guide it is the first ive made and i am going to be editing the guide as best i can thank you for your feedback
burnz0083 | July 24, 2014 4:53pm
You only have 3 points in Metamorphosis and have skilled Sunder at level 15.
Yasutsuna (51) | July 24, 2014 4:04pm
Vanguard, really? It's bad enough that people even build it, but after Boots of Travel? That's just plain dumb. Vanguard falls off at ~30 minutes and you want to build one after that.

Build Sange and Yasha and Manta Style at the same time? As jamesShajam said, the movement speed don't stack, you're wasting 1/2 the potential of Yasha. Just break your Sange and Yasha up and get the Heaven's Halberd.

Also, Skull Basher is horrble on a ranged hero and illusion heroes. Not only you have a pathetic proc chance of 10%, your illusions will fake bash, making it pointless and real bash can't override the fake bash.

Also, Mask of Madness is a horrible pickup on Terrorblade. Any smart player will stun-kill you before you even get a chance to use your Sunder. Eye of Skadi is way better than Mask of Madness. While a casual Morbid Mask is understandable, upgrading it to Helm of the Dominator is better.

And Manta and Meta are totally different things.
Ab4ddon._.E43 (12) | July 24, 2014 12:56pm
BKB over MoM any day. Meh "guide"
jamesShajam (5) | July 24, 2014 12:35pm
You may need to split up the text, it's REALLY hard to read right now.
You will want to max out Conjure Image second as a hard carry Soul Keeper.
You also Probably don't want S&Y AS WELL AS Manta Style because the movement speed doesn't stack, You're better off with a Skadi. Mask of madness seems a bit questionable as you are already super squishy (1.4 STR gain) AND you already have a crazy high attack speed because you have the second highest agility gain.
Vanguard Is also really bad.
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