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Thanks for this Wall of text.
Just one thing,another interesting ally for CK is Crystal Maiden. Godness.
I love her.
Slov+ 3 seconds "stun" that you can spam + crazy mana regenaration for free = CK can catch up with anyone and hit this while frozen and..... SPAM SKILLS.
I went
+1 from me and I hope to be even more dangerous in future with this guides assistance.
I really like your humorous writing style. That combined with the in-depth knowledge of the hero makes it a recommendable guide. Due to the fact that i am a person who really likes picture, I would enjoy seeing more of them in your future guides. I could imagine that some people may not have read the whole guide due to the relatively long textblocks.
Besides from that +2 if I could :)
This is what I was referring to, CK has been often used like that with another, harder carry. It may be a bit outdated now though. but in pub games you'll still be "2" (if you're lucky, if not you'll end up laning with another carry... while your third carry is laning with your fourth carry while pudge is mid... and is building carry).
I'm sorry. This is just the greatest thing ever. Its the most true thing I have ever seen.
Great guide also. +1
Unless CK was run in a dual lane mid (with a harder carry in the safe lane)
This is what I was referring to, CK has been often used like that with another, harder carry. It may be a bit outdated now though. but in pub games you'll still be "2" (if you're lucky, if not you'll end up laning with another carry... while your third carry is laning with your fourth carry while pudge is mid... and is building carry).