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A true guide to dominating with Meepo (any role)

July 6, 2014 by Dota2problems
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Hard Carry (guaranteed safe farm)

DotA2 Hero: Meepo

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Sticky Fingers (Innate)


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A true guide to dominating with Meepo (any role)

July 6, 2014

Stuff to know

Ok, so I am a guy who plays alot of meepo, he is my favourite hero in the game aswell as being my most played and most successful. My winrate with the hero is 71% so i like to think i know what im talking about.
Before you pick this hero there is one thing you NEED to do, and that is go into a bot game and learn to blink poof, then practice that in a hard difficulty bot game. Blink poofing is the most fundamental skill you need when playing meepo, without it your team is pretty much 1 man down so please learn this skill. Also, dont just insta pick this hero, he is very situational so dont pick him willy nilly unless you want to risk a loss. If they for instance pick a lich, magnus, sven, axe etc then be careful although single target burst like a lion is also nasty but easier to deal with.
Have your control groups done, its terrible to just click, drag and walk around as a 5.
I use 1 for main meepo, 2 for all clones, 3 for 2nd meepo, 4 for 3rd meepo, 5 for 4th meepo and T for 5th meepo.

Blink poofing

As I said before, the skill blink poofing is necessary to your success. The way i do it is the easy way.
I will say this as though you have all 5 meepos.
Have your main meepo selected and hover your mouse over WHERE YOU WANT TO BLINK TO
still with meepo 1 selected then press this combination
tab, w, click, tab, w, click, tab, w, click, tab, w, click, tab, (button assigned to blink dagger, i use space), click.
Make sure you are clicking on where it is you want to be. If you pull this off your main meepo with blink to the location and all the other meepos will poof there soon after.
Use this for ganks, initiations and escapes.

Hard Carry

When playing this role blink poofing takes a less important role but it DOESNT mean you skip the blink dagger, it angers me when people skip the blink as it does so much for you if you know how to use it.
I'm not going to sugar coat it, last hitting with meepo isnt an easy task so if you really struggle, when you get your 2nd meepo use that to last hit aswell. When your play gets better send meepo 2 to another lane so you can last hit 2 lanes at once. When you have a few meepos send them off to the jungle or other lanes to make you some money while you last hit with your main one, of course picking up kills where you can. Mekansm is a great item for stats, armour and surviability and the vladimirs enables you to take roshan if you think youre man enough. In my opinion meepo is one of the best aegis carriers in the whole game because he deals so much damage especially early on. All in all, farm up, net people and kill them. The ultimate skill level is one meepo last hitting in each lane with the final 2 jungling but dont expect to do that right away. Hard carry isnt the greatest option for meepo i dont think, hes good but he relies on getting ahead so unless you farm well you will struggle, if they also have better lategame than you probably will lose.

Solo mid

Now i have to say. I FREAKING LOVE MIDPO!!!. I have only ever lost one game playing him mid because you do so much early on. If you last hit well you should pick up boots as you hit level 3 and this is where the fun begins. Send meepo 2 out to other lanes to pick up countless kills, ganking is easy, throw a net, poof, throw a net and poof again. That combined with the other people in lane is usually enough. The enemy will struggle dealing with you and if you really want you can kill the other solo mid because the kills enable you to level up quicker than them. You want to aim to get your blink dagger by 15 minutes, my personal record is 8 minutes. When you get meepo 3 you send the clones off the jungle while you search for kills as meepo 1 unless you are pushing a lane. Never leave a meepo afk, they should always be farming or doing something.


Meepo support davai support. Buy the courier and wards as standard. Pull as standard, use poof to last hit pull camps. Keep warding. As soon as you hit level 3 you send your 2nd meepo out to gank mid for your mid or to gank the other lane or to set up a kill in your lane, dont be afraid to but a smoke for it. Mekansm is also good on support meepo aswell as carry, if your mid or carry or other support want the mek then let them get it, you can just get a faster blink and buy more wards e.t.c blink should be item after mek because using this you can set up plenty of kills and create space for your carry, try pushing the lanes and taking towers when you can. Possibly pick up a vladimirs offering instead of mek if your carry isnt going to. Once the blink is got though you can make fast money for you and your team. When im playing support i tend to get a scythe before my aghs because it enables me to shut down the enemy carry better. When you get your blink you should target the enemy carry with ganks, meepo is very effective against anti mage because you can stop him farming. After the scythe get your aghanims and from their an assault cuirass, the armour aura is great for you allies. Of course its up to you what order you get the items in and you dont even have to get a scythe if you dont want to but its a great item in any meepo role. I wouldnt get a pipe personally, i dont think it does enough on the hero.

Pros / Cons

-If learnt stomps alot of games
-very good against prophet, antimage and other heros who like to farm alot and cant escape through net
-farms well
-gets ahead fast
-brilliant mid
-good early game ganks
-versatile with his roles
-insane early game damage
-funny comments
-you get respect
-so dam fun

-very ****ing difficult
-easily countered
-if you fail to get ahead you are ****ed or it will be very tough
-lich, axe, magnus and others rape him
-requires serious thinking when being picked
-a fair few other carries are better late game if you dont stop them farming
-if you do bad your teammates say you suck
-losing with him is depressing
-doesnt get enough items in the store

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