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A Trivial Guide to Abyssal Blade

October 10, 2014 by ThisGuideIsRadioactive
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A Trivial Guide to Abyssal Blade

October 10, 2014

Abyssal Blade

Brief Description

Abyssal Blade is an item in Dota 2. It is a long, Demon-style sword that is made up of Sacred Relic and Skull Basher. It has a total gold cost of 6750, and is a relatively uncommon purchase because of this.

The lost blade of the Commander of the Abyss, this edge cuts into an enemy's soul.
- Item description

+10 Strength
+100 Damage

Passive - Bash: Gives a chance to stun for 1.4 seconds.
Ability: Passive
Affects: Enemy Units
Bash Chance for Melee Heroes: 25%
Bash Chance for Ranged Heroes: 10%
Cooldown: 2

Active - Overwhelm: Stun a target enemy unit for 2 seconds. Penetrates Magic Immunity.
Ability: Active
Affects: Enemy Units
Range: 140
Cooldown: 60
Mana Cost: 150
Recommended Heroes

Legion Commander
Lone Druid
Night Stalker
Phantom Assassin
Wraith King

Non-melee heroes just aren't worth buying this item for, as they only get 10% Bash chance. Note that many of these heroes are either Agility or Strength, and some, such as. Ursa and Lycan have abilities that allow them them to increase attack speed, thus increasing overall Bash chance.

-Bash ability does not stack with any other Bash in the game (excluding things like Monkey King Bar, that have a Mini-Bash).

-Stun is physical, on both melee and ranged attackers.

-Illusions cannot Bash.
Final Word

This guide is not quite yet finished, but please like! Though it was not a large guide, I feel doing small item guides like this(I'm going in alphabetical order) will allow insight into mostly overlooked things such as stats, lore and players that could benefit.

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