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4 Votes

A (Somewhat) In-Depth Guide to Support / Gank Windrunner

April 16, 2012 by ICarrotU
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lovelydarkmexx | January 20, 2013 4:12pm
I like how finally someone came up with WR being used as a supporter. I'm getting the feeling most WRs think of themselves as semi-carries stealing kills and leaving their teammates alone for the sake of lane-farming.

Decent job on this guide, but I've got one thing or two to add/revise:

All the games I've played (whether it's WR or any other supporting hero), I NEVER even get close to buy that many expensive items as you listed. Supporters are poor. Always. You should note that.
As I've experienced it, supporters "waste" (of course, it's no wasting at all) at least 40% of their money for OBSERVER WARDS, even harder if there's invis heros to counter with SENTRY WARDS, DUST OF APPEARANCE or even a GEM OF TRUE SIGHT.

Plus, supporters should look out to defend their carries with their own lives, if necessary. Means: Distract enemy heroes, get them to attack you so your carry-mate can flee and survive, means keep his money, means buy cool ****, means tear the enemy team apart.
So: Supporters buy lots of items that don't apply to themselves and they die rather often.

Therefore I never would come up with the idea to buy a FORCE STAFF, since my own evasion is already pretty awesome and my teammembers rarely need it. There's better things to spend money for if you're going to support your team (especially when there's invis heroes to fight!!! The nightmare of all supporters >.<)

In an average game I will go on MEKANSM (of course) and mostly MANA BOOTS if there arent enough already to provide my team.
Then I'll only get to chose ONE of the following:

- EULS SCEPTER OF DIVINITY (lovely cheap with 2.850, but can be as hindering as helping, so it depends)
- SCYTHE OF VISE (omg, the dream of every int (and most supporters are INT) hero!! But wtf, 5.675 Gold, just think how many Wards and Dusts and Stuff that would make. No can do. It's a pure luxury item if my team does awesome teamfights and tower tearings. But then we'd probably pwn them early so no need for it).
- PIPE OF INSIGHT (still pretty expensive, but most helpful to my team, so I'll probably focus that one. In 5 of 10 games it gets ready just when we roam the enemy base ...)
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