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3 Votes

A Memoir of Madness: Mid Furion

November 30, 2012 by kkay
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SakTap | January 10, 2014 2:45am
Great guide but I think 1 lvl of treants should be taken early to get some rune control going.
kkay | December 1, 2012 1:40am
Well I've actually seen this build used competitively a few times in tournaments. Na'vi did it once against another team and it was pretty much the reason they won the game, but he wasn't mid, he was solo bot against a solo invoker (Na'vi was on dire) and I saw it another time where the NP was mid but I don't remember what team it was, but he did well.

Moving on, I'm not sure I'd consider it a mini lion. It's a lot different than Lion's ult, imo. I think it's closer to Lina's ult in terms of lvl1 effectiveness.

What about my trees won't help much? They are an amazing pseudo disable that gives my teammate a second or two to land an AoE stun or shackle or close in on the enemy. The idea is that you confine someone to a space so that your teammates have a bit of time to land their legitimate CC on top of the element of surprise. It's easily counterable, but the followup isn't.

What would you suggest I start off with instead of a Dagon?
Atlas (117) | November 30, 2012 6:41pm
I still don't see why Dagon would be core on him in most cases. I understand that it's not ineffective in pub games, and it can make him a ferocious ganker as well, but with Dagon you'll be lacking in other areas. It basically makes you a mini-Lion of sorts, that can TP, however against a competent enemy your trees wont actually help much in a gank.
kkay | November 30, 2012 2:16pm
Thanks guys.

I updated it a little bit at the bottom. I'll probably add in a section about heroes that NP is good against when I feel like it.
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 30, 2012 2:03pm
Hey there kkay! This is an EXCELLENT guide! You show obvious skill in formatting, and the presentation looks marvelous!

I have actually seen this build before, where you go no Treants and get a Dagon. I like it, and I will make sure to try it next time I play Prophet. The skill and item build are perfect for this type of Prophet, so I applaud you, since no one on this site has made a guide with this playstyle before.

I love the screenshots of your recent matches with prophet, all guides should have some screenies, it makes it magical.

Anyway, good job on writing the guide, I can't complain about ANYTHING here, so you have earned a +1 :).

Excellent work, keep it up.
Hades4u (296) | November 30, 2012 11:01am
Well-written and nicely formatted, I like it. +1

Good job. :)
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