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A Jungler's guide to Nature's Prophet

June 8, 2013 by connor4893
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Ancient Hero (17) | June 8, 2013 10:34am
@Yasutana, yes quelling blade is picked up against NP but it's normally just the carry. Players realy dont want to use that 275 gold early on just for the sprout. Plus, you can gank else where as well.
XcALibuR (3) | June 8, 2013 9:58am
There are a few things I'd like to ask. If you do want to opt getting Hand of Midas, I think it's better to start out with a Gloves of Haste and 2 Claritys. And I think Shadow Blade deserves its spot in the "Situational Item" section. For the boots, you can make a choice between either Power Treads or Phase Boots.

Btw, since your build is for a late-game carry, I wonder where Mjollnir is. This thing is so awesome, plus, Maelstrom gives decent mid-game power.
Yasutsuna (51) | June 8, 2013 2:49am
Ancient Hero wrote:

IDK how you get a 6min midas as a jungler. I play a ton of jungle heros and 6min is by best time. Normally I go 6:30. If you don't get it by 7 or so then its pointless. Second off, force staff is only gotten by supports and thats normally past 20 min. Only a few heros have blink and quelling blade is only seen by a few heros as well. Depending on who your ganking, sprout is a pretty good movement shutdown and it provides vision of the high ground.

For the guide, I normally do 3 levels of natures call and then go max teleport. 4 trees is close enough to 5 as they don't do much dps and the mobility of teleport is alot better for split pushing and ganking. If you want to split push, you really should get a shadow blade as a means of escape as you can teleport during it. Aghs is pointless on NP as the upgrade is only 2 extra bounces (idk why people always go aghs, theres only a few heros that its worthy to get on i.e Beastmaster, warlock and maybe zeus but i favor veil on him). AC isn't really good as he has a really bad health pool and the armor only gives him alittle bit. Plus he shouldnt be on the front line of the battle. A sheepstick or orchid is better for shutdown. If your going utility NP, then a mek is a possibility. For dps, A mjollnir is another option.

If your midas rushing, a gloves of haste is better imo for timing of the midas rather than the basi ring.

In competitive match I have been playing, players do pick up Quelling Blade when Nature's Prophet appears. Even if melee heroes are the only one getting Quelling Blade, in competitive matches, there are those who are willing to chop the tree. But in pubs, Sprout is very reliable. In competitive matches, not so much.
Ancient Hero (17) | June 7, 2013 11:14pm
IDK how you get a 6min midas as a jungler. I play a ton of jungle heros and 6min is by best time. Normally I go 6:30. If you don't get it by 7 or so then its pointless. Second off, force staff is only gotten by supports and thats normally past 20 min. Only a few heros have blink and quelling blade is only seen by a few heros as well. Depending on who your ganking, sprout is a pretty good movement shutdown and it provides vision of the high ground.

For the guide, I normally do 3 levels of natures call and then go max teleport. 4 trees is close enough to 5 as they don't do much dps and the mobility of teleport is alot better for split pushing and ganking. If you want to split push, you really should get a shadow blade as a means of escape as you can teleport during it. Aghs is pointless on NP as the upgrade is only 2 extra bounces (idk why people always go aghs, theres only a few heros that its worthy to get on i.e Beastmaster, warlock and maybe zeus but i favor veil on him). AC isn't really good as he has a really bad health pool and the armor only gives him alittle bit. Plus he shouldnt be on the front line of the battle. A sheepstick or orchid is better for shutdown. If your going utility NP, then a mek is a possibility. For dps, A mjollnir is another option.

If your midas rushing, a gloves of haste is better imo for timing of the midas rather than the basi ring.
Yasutsuna (51) | June 7, 2013 10:57pm
I would suggest you unachieve this guide and finish it off before releasing it again. If not, you're just screw up your own ratings.

I would argue that Hand of Midas is situational since if you don't get it by the 6-minute mark, you're pretty much better without it. Well, normally, I wouldn't want to rely too much on using Sprout as a initiation tool since it is easily countered by Blink, Quelling Blade and Force Staff. A good team with teamwork will either have Quelling Blade and/or Force Staff with them, making your Sprout unreliable.

Still, it is quite advisable for you to push down any level 1 towers when possible. Since level 1 towers don't have the anti-backdoor skill or something, it doesn't regenerate when you're hitting it alone. So, use this to your advantage and destroy it as fast as you can.
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