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11 Votes

A guide to Viper for very first time DOTA 2

December 5, 2012 by MikuL0V3R
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MikuL0V3R | December 5, 2012 8:51am
I thank you ALL for helping me make this guide better and hope that my little brother may one day play with me in clan games with me. But for now I can laugh at him running with Rupture, and cry as he runs toward the team while Chainfrost is chasing him.

Thank you for your suggestions and as you can see I have implemented a few into this guide and fixed a couple of errors in my guide. However as I have said above in the outro, this guide was originally for all intents and purposes made for my brother to use as a GUIDE to help him play dota 2 better. This is by no means a perfect guide nor is it an in-depth one, and I frankly don't want it to be perfect nor in-depth because the noobs will never understand it and it may confuse them even further! I want them to enjoy playing dota2 as I do, and have the same love-hate relationship with the community that it has! xD

Thank you again for helping me by commenting and voting up this guide. If there are more fixes that I need to make please comment and I will see if I agree with what you posted. If so I will gladly make changes to this guide!
LiLPr0 (9) | November 22, 2012 8:38am
Laudes wrote:

Where's the vanguard, atleast get a poor mans shield if you're all poor and all. I don't think shadow blade is good except on extreme low level pubs, IMO there are better ways to spend that money but I can see hades argues for getting it...


Ranged vanguard right? Referring to Mekansm which is godly on ranged heroes.
Wulfstan (77) | November 22, 2012 8:00am
The mantle of intelligence is actually +3 int.
Laudes (1) | November 22, 2012 7:55am
Where's the vanguard, atleast get a poor mans shield if you're all poor and all. I don't think shadow blade is good except on extreme low level pubs, IMO there are better ways to spend that money but I can see hades argues for getting it...

LiLPr0 (9) | November 22, 2012 7:54am
Needs armlet
Synergy (2) | November 22, 2012 2:30am
You can definitely add more options for items. As for Treads I'd like to add that you should keep it at STR early on until you get more survivability, then you can switch to AGI. +1
wilddeonpwn (102) | November 21, 2012 9:04pm
Well, nice job on writing the guides, but I have a few things.

You say to switch Treads to Agility, but for newer players, wouldn't it be more logic to switch them to STR for more survivability? I mean, who cares about damage if you don't know about surviving, right? Also, I recommended maxing Poison Attack by 7, the slow is really helpful, and new people will find it easier.

Anyway, nice guide, you sire have earned a +1 :)
MikuL0V3R | November 21, 2012 12:57pm
OOPS forgot that vlads doesn't work on ranged will change that right away ty Hades4u xD

ty for all the suggestions Wulfstan and StevenLK however this guide was intended for my little brother who is currently trying to play Dota 2 and was also TERRIBLE at League of Legends...
my guess is that my brother could farm an infinity edge on ashe so I decided to make it plain and simple with the item and skill builds. They are currently geared toward a more farm/killsteal build if there are any tips for that I would greatly appreciate it, but I cannot emphasize this more this guide was originally for my brother who is currently a ****TY player and even passive bots can outfarm him... I mean really... COME ON! anyway... thank you all who posted I will try and implement what I can and thank you for your support! xD
Wulfstan (77) | November 21, 2012 11:28am
You need to start at least with a minimal potential of regeneration or sustain in lane.That means either 1 salve or 1 Tango.Though its usually better to just get them both.

Vanguard works wonders in normal games,while Hood of Defiance can boot your already high magic resist as your passive and the hood will stack up(you might wantto add this item to the defensive ones). Shadow Blade is good for chasing or possitioning in fights,thats why you get that.

Manta Style,no argue there,its a great item on Viper. Daedalus is really good if going offensive,and Assault Cuirass is really good for going defensive but having some DPS potential.

Butterfly works well on Viper too.Mass agility gain?Sign me up.For the price you get 60 damage(ouf of which 30 in AGI and 30 raw),30 attack speed and some Evasion which again,really good,even if they attack you slower,you may have the chance of completly dodging the attack.

Also Vladmir's Offering is just terrible,the lifesteal won't work and ususally Viper players don't get another orb effect, Poison Attack is too good to pass up.

+1,but needs some repairs and extra work.
StevenLK (10) | November 21, 2012 10:13am
As Hades said, lifesteal from Vlads only works on melees so it would be wasted on Viper. I also think that it would be better to get a Shadow blade asap since Viper does not have an escape mechanic. He is really one of those heroes that you do well with in a game or bomb so the invis can really help.

Other than that, your item choices and skill build are great although you should still max Q before getting E. 10% more slow is too good to pass up and if you get ahead, you won't really need corrosive skin at all. +1
Hades4u (296) | November 21, 2012 8:46am
I think at level 5 you wanted to level up Nethertoxin, you can't level up Poison Attack at 4 then 5 again.

Also, why don't you get Phase Boots and Shadow Blade? You need more movement speed in my opinion.

Why Vladmir's Offering? The life steal aura doesn't work on ranged.

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