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A guide to playing Jakiro in Pub (revised)

February 7, 2012 by Yawners
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Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Jakiro

Hero Skills

Double Trouble (Innate)

Dual Breath

1 3 5 7

Ice Path

9 12 13 14

Liquid Fire

2 4 6 8

Liquid Frost

2 4 6 8


10 11 16


15 17 18

A guide to playing Jakiro in Pub (revised)

February 7, 2012


Key Bind: Q

An icy blast followed by a wave of fire launches out in a path in front of Jakiro. The ice slows enemies, while the fire delivers damage over time.
Range: 500
Area: 200 (Starting AoE) / 500 (Distance) / 250 (Final AoE)
Duration: 4
Damage: 35 / 70 / 105 / 140
Burn damage: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
Movement speed slow: 30%
Attack speed slow: 20%

Mana Cost: 135 / 140 / 155 / 170 Cooldown Time: 10

Dual Breath= Jakiro's AoE nuke. It deals a grand total 52.5+20DoT / 105+40DoT / 157.5+60DoT / 210+80DoT each level, assuming the opponent is a hero with no magic resistance buffs. Clears creep waves fast and the reach extends beyond the cast range
Key Bind: W

Creates a path of ice in front of Jakiro. After 0.5 second, the path explodes and freezes nearby enemy units.
Range: 1100
Area: 150
Duration: 1 / 1.33 / 1.66 / 2

Mana Cost: 75 Cooldown Time: 16 / 15 / 14 / 13

Ice path = Jakiro's AoE stun. The long range is very useful, but the 0.5 second shatter delay can make it miss. Try to anticipate where they'll run and aim a little ahead.

Key Bind: E

Straight from the belly of the beast, Jakiro slowly harnesses Liquid Fire when he attacks to burn his victims, and slow their attacks.
Duration: 5
Area: 175
Damage per second: 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
Attack speed reduction: 20% / 30% / 40% / 50%

Cooldown Time: 20 / 15 / 10 / 5

Liquid fire = Jakiro's attack passive. Once ready, a visible red glow will surround the head of the Red Dragon. Deals fair DoT damage, slows attack speed. More importantly, it can effect towers. This is what makes Jakiro a great pusher, while helping his farm

Key Bind: R

Jakiro unleashes a line of pulsing flame strikes in front of him. Each flame strike deals damage per second for 5 seconds, and has a 225 AOE radius.
Range: 850 (1150*)
Area: 225
Duration: 5
Damage per second: 100 (125*) / 140 (175*) / 180 (225*)
Flame strikes: 6 (9*)
Effect range: 900 (1350*)

Mana Cost: 220 / 330 / 440 Cooldown Time: 60
Macropyre = Set the ground ablaze in a line. Works great as detergent, but will prove its worth in team fights where stuns will keep the opponents from running away. It also has a relatively quick cool down of 60 seconds for an ultimate.


Jakiro is a jack-of-all trades. He can play any role, especially since with Dual Breath and Liquid Fire he can quickly clear creep waves and farm whatever the team needs. His nice stat gain makes him item independent early game, but lack of great scaling skills essentially make you a support hero, which is why you'd normally grab the courier or wards

Why i choose the two skill builds:
Dual breath is ALWAYS MAXED FIRST. It does one of the best damages for a nuke, reduces hit unit's speed AND attack speed, and all in an area of effect.
Liquid Fire vs Ice path:
Some people have said to get ice path first, but the sheer harass power of Liquid fire is too good. The fact that your laning opponents will constantly be at a less than 70% HP makes ganking easier, as the slow from Dual breath is still very potent. In the Roaming build, the stun is a must because Liquid fire is a laning/creep clearing skill. Feel free to grab an early stun if you want to set up a gank
Macropyre is taken at level 10/11 because by this time, you should have arcane boots to actually cope with the mana cost.


Arcane Boots:
The way to go for any support hero, and solve what little mana problems you already had.

Mekanasm: The second core item to build after basilius and arcane. Gives a nice burst heal and armor

Force staff Your third core item. Works great on just about any hero, giving decent stats and an escape mechanism

Vladimir's Offering: Your fourth core item. It makes good use of your basilius and gives a lot of nice auras, even if the lifesteal aura doesn't affect you. Not like you have enough hard DPS to make good use of that anyway

Wards: You are a support hero, so ward like one. Your team will avoid getting ganked as often and so that your ganks will be more successful

Blademail: Counters DPS freaks like Ursa who will melt you in 6 hits

Black King Bar: If the enemy team realizes that you are overleveled/have too much team presence, they will stun and focus you down. A great way to let your team rush in once your opponents have wasted their spells.

Pipe of Insight: A great way to counter nuke heavy teams.

Talisman of Evasion/Butterfly: The evasion and armor from agility makes this the most tanky item against DPS heroes, while giving you a fair amount of DPS

Scythe of Vyse: A game breaking item. Basically gives your team another 3.5 second stun AND nice stats.

Shiva's Guard: Gives alot of armor, another slow nuke, alot of intelligence, and the enemy team reduced attack speed.

Necronomicon: Gives decent stats, and awesome minions. This can win ward wars, and will **** on opponent's mana pools.

Playing guide

9/10 You will be in a side lane. If for some odd reason you have a solo lane, make good use of the experience and dominate with your powerful early game skills.
In the laning phase, Jakiro has a lot of lane presence with his AoE skills and nice base damage, despite his poorer attack range compared to other ranged heroes. Always have enough for another Dual Breath when you harass with it, but be sure to force the enemy players out of experience range. You will normally babysit and pull the creeps as well.
When you hit level 5, you should prepare to gank your laning opponents. When you hit level 9-11, you should start moving around to map popping up wards and ganking again. By level 16, you should play like a total support hero.

Against lanes having heroes with 600 range, play defensive and deny like mad. Whenever one of them rushes forward to last hit/harass, you should pop your nuke. Solo/double melee hero lanes you should still deny, but also play fairly aggressively on them

Roaming play style: Wander around a rune spot at the start, and ward both of the spots. You should wait till either the enemy mid hero extends onto the low ground, or when the enemy side lanes push past the river/ to flank and gank. Be sure to get wards, and flying courier when you can, with the odd clarity pot for a mana regen boost. Your core is much more reduced, but as long as you have arcane boots and levels, you will eventually get an item from the luxury pile.

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