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A Guide to Imba Spirit. (6.80)

March 20, 2014 by mak1rby
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Build 1
Build 2
Build 3

Mid - against a heavy magic damage hero

DotA2 Hero: Ember Spirit

Hero Skills

Immolation (Innate)

Searing Chains

1 8 9 10

Sleight of Fist

4 12 13 14

Flame Guard

2 3 5 7

Fire Remnant

6 11 16



A Guide to Imba Spirit. (6.80)

March 20, 2014


I missclicked the publish button. Welp.


Ember Spirit is a hero that excels at all stages of the game. Early, mid,and late he is incredibly powerful at all of them. Albeit he is not as strong as a support CM early game, nor as strong as a Storm or a typical semicarry midgame, nor as strong as a Spectre ultra lategame, his power lies at coming online early yet still have a huge presence in the early and lategame. If we compare him to for example - a carry Anti-Mage, he gives nothing in a trilane or dual lane, no disables, Ember has Searing Chains which is a 2 sec ensnare from level 1. Antimage has to farm his battlefury to begin his snowball, Ember with a max Q/E can snowball from the time he has level 2 on either of them, dealing a significant amount of damage early-mid game. Even late-game, with the same farm (which is the main difference really, antimage relies on having more farm than the enemy carry in order to actually carry but back to my point) he can beat AM, my point is that is powerful with farms and/or levels. This hero is incredibly versatile, he can be put in almost all lineups, Early-game focused/Midgame focused/Lategame. Drafting him in Captains Mode early doesn't reveal a single thing from your strategy, unlike for example drafting a Spec which means you are looking to turtle and putting him safelane etcetc or drafting a Chen which means early push early towers.

Imagine having an amazing split-pushing ability like morphling, massive aoe damage in teamfights like spectre, with the power simliar to lifestealer early-mid game (comes online early, through magical damage) which means he isn't weak inlane like morphling and spectre, BUT has both Split-push and teamfight ability, plus he is also so mobile in teamfights - weaver-like - making you able to build a super squishy glass cannon like drow yet hard to kill. Maybe I'm exagerating a little bit here, but my points stands, he is incredibly versatile and has a lot of power in all of those aspects. Add into that, he is a viable mid.

Pros / Cons

+ Comes online early.
+ Needs both levels farm/levels but performs well with either one. Rapes you when has both.
+ Versatile in almost all lineups, can be put mid or carry safelane or aggresive trilane.
+ Incredibly mobile.
+ Insane splitpusher with his ultimate yet an amazing teamfighter dealing massive aoe damage with battelfury.

- Super squishy.
- Needs bkb against hard lockdown heroes like puck/storm which just rapes him with silences.
- As XBOCT once shown in a game vs Liquid which went to the ultra lategame, he just so ****ty even with bkb against hexes (Qojva's Tinker) and stuns that goes through bkb like Roar (Bulba's Beastmaster which had a blink).
Even though the last con is so situational it could be a problem. Especially stuns that goes through BKB, if you are getting locked down by stuns that doesn't then just grab a BKB no problemo ez game.

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