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A Guide to a Tanky and Deadly Riki ( Anti-Mainstream Guide )

June 10, 2015 by Shadow Sphere
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Tanky and Deadly Riki

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 12 13 14

Blink Strike

1 3 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

4 8 9 10

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18

A Guide to a Tanky and Deadly Riki ( Anti-Mainstream Guide )

Shadow Sphere
June 10, 2015


Hello my nickname is Shadow Sphere, and i'm here to share my tactics to build a Tanky and Deadly Riki, well this guide is a bit Anti-Mainstream, but i hope this guide is usefull for you, well lets just get started.

Pros / Cons

+ Good ganker
+ Great for surprise attack
+ Having a good chance to survive from enemy attacks
+ Good Chaser
+ Good Escaper
+ Good Farmer

- Focused on team fights
- Hard to encounter Dust of Appearance
- Very easy to die if enenemy had a Gem of True Sight


Smoke Screen

- Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all levels.

Level 1 - 250 AoE, 40% miss.
Level 2 - 275 AoE, 50% miss.
Level 3 - 300 AoE, 60% miss.
Level 4 - 325 AoE, 70% miss.

Mana Cost: 75/ 80/ 85/ 90
Cooldown: 13

Permanent Invisibility

Riki becomes permanently invisible when not attacking

Level 1 : 8 second fade time.
Level 2 : 6 second fade time.
Level 3 : 4 second fade time.
Level 4 : 2 second fade time.

Invisibilty health regen : 4/5/6/7
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A


- The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.

Level 1 - Deals .25x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 2 - Deals .5x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 3 - Deals .75x the Agility of the SA to the target.
Level 4 - Deals 1x the Agility of the SA to the target.

Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

Blink Strike

- Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.

Level 1 - Deals 40 extra damage.
Level 2 - Deals 70 extra damage.
Level 3 - Deals 100 extra damage.

Mana Cost: 40
Number of Charge : 4/5/6

Farming & Ganink Tactics

- Farming

When farming you have to do last hit as much as you can, by moving to creeps back and then attack that creep when that creep has a low health, because you get the Backstab ability, you can deal more damage to enemy if you strike him from behind, and do not forget to enemy heroes that was fighting in the same lane with you, becareful.

- Ganking

Move behind enemy heroes, and follow him, make sure you follow him right on his back, wait the right time to strike the enemy heroes, and then give him Smoke Screen, if his to far, use Blink Strike on him, then give him Smoke Screen, to make sure you're still on his back always use Blink Strike on hime, in if he escape dont worry, always use Blink Strike every time he got far away from you.

Team Work

Your role as Riki is to carry, in order to carry you need farm. Farm as much as you can early game. Focus on farm more than kills however if the opportunity arises to get a good gank DO IT!

In a teamfight you need to not be afraid to get in there! You have your smoke screen and your team needs it! Throw it over the enemy team and laugh as they try to cast on you! Blinking between squishies is a great way to avoid hurt in team fights because more often than not, they WILL lose sight of you and switch to a different target. Also keep in mind if you need to stop attacking and a second later you will be safe in stealth.

Regular ganks and great farm is what wins matches. Combine that with superiour team play and you cannot lose!.

Well, Good Luck, see you again.

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