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A guide on how to keep your team posted.

July 22, 2017 by yunai-
Comments: 3    |    Views: 4306    |   

A guide on how to keep your team posted.

July 22, 2017


Go on Whatsapp and prepare your team for being posted.


Tell the team you will go to sleep and keep them posted. Neither you, neither the team will understand how you will, but dont worry you will.

Keep your promise

Go to bed. Close your eyes.... You fall asleep... As you slowly find yourself falling asleep you remember you forgot to set the alarm for todays let it slide.

Break your promise

You wake up to the noise of steam calls from multiple team members and can hear the buzzing of steam chat notifications. You are late to the practise by 30 minutes... You turn on the computer, still half asleep... You appologise to the team. By now they are all factories and a wave of industrialisation hit your team while you were sleeping. You queue for a game, promising to never forget to setup the ******** alarm

The game

You spend 30 minutes trying to crack the meaning behind the meme of factories...Until you find out that there is no hidden meaning and we were all simply bored. You finish your game... We win... The week continues and you keep the team posted on a satisfaCtoRY level. You have succeeded and the team is posted. Congratulations.

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