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5 Votes

A guide for ZSMJ like Medusa.

December 9, 2012 by mcdhol_24
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Griffith (2) | December 10, 2012 2:03am
Well written build, I haven't played dota 1 in a few months (and haven't played gorgon is like forever) but if I remember correctly life-steal and skadi doesn't work on split shot only the primary target that you a focusing. Also I can't remember if crit works on her or not.

Other than that I think this build works nicely (I remember that I used a similar build), hand of midas work really well if your last hitting is not the best.
mcdhol_24 | December 9, 2012 2:10pm
Sp12 wrote:

Bloodstone offers better regen (both kinds) than Linkens, plus more raw HP and mana pools to tank with. Sure you lose 15 damage and 15 attack speed, but that's not why you buy Linkens. Plus bloodpact is pretty cool, though probably not quite as good as spell block. It's very bad for your team when you're dead so reduced respawn is nice, plus if they focus you down at the beginning of a fight your team gets healed. I will admit I often leave it as a casual soul booster to get DPS from either Bfly or Mjoll.

Mjollnir is a very good item. Increasingly common too. Obviously statless so it's bad for manta builds.

Pretty good guide, though I'm holding off with my vote as I disagree with a lot of it (skill build, lack of laning regen, starting items, solo mid requirement).

fine.. it is your build. I am just loosely following the actual ZSMJ build for Medusa which is shown in the videos in the guide. Why Mjollnir when you have Split Shot? Those who get Mjolnir are the ones who lacks of AOE attack presence and I'd rather get BKB over that bloodstone coz if you get disable then what? I'm really not planning to add some alternative build but well I might add some your suggestion so please do comment or message me for me to improve my guide. Thanks so much :)
Sp12 (25) | December 9, 2012 1:56pm
Bloodstone offers better regen (both kinds) than Linkens, plus more raw HP and mana pools to tank with. Sure you lose 15 damage and 15 attack speed, but that's not why you buy Linkens. Plus bloodpact is pretty cool, though probably not quite as good as spell block. It's very bad for your team when you're dead so reduced respawn is nice, plus if they focus you down at the beginning of a fight your team gets healed. I will admit I often leave it as a casual soul booster to get DPS from either Bfly or Mjoll.

Mjollnir is a very good item. Increasingly common too. Obviously statless so it's bad for manta builds.

Pretty good guide, though I'm holding off with my vote as I disagree with a lot of it (skill build, lack of laning regen, starting items, solo mid requirement).
mcdhol_24 | December 9, 2012 10:51am
Wulfstan wrote:

Why do my eyes see no Bloodstone?Its insane on Medusa.

Ask ZSMJ why! Linken Sphere is a lot better than Bloodstone because it give the stats Medusa needs + the Spell block that you would definitely need to protect you. You would have no space for Black King Bar so Linken's Sphere is a lot better.
Wulfstan (77) | December 9, 2012 9:52am
Why do my eyes see no Bloodstone?Its insane on Medusa.
mcdhol_24 | December 9, 2012 9:29am
Thanks guys! I made some improvement. I know there are still some careless grammar mistakes there but I'm so tired to improve it. :/
heleneledana | December 9, 2012 5:08am
Good and simple guilde!
mcdhol_24 | December 9, 2012 4:03am
Hades4u wrote:

When I was playing Medusa, I used to get Mjollnir on her sometimes, it works really well.

But still, not a bad guide, but pretty short.


Sorry I'm still editing the guide. I'm not finish yet :)
Hades4u (296) | December 9, 2012 3:38am
When I was playing Medusa, I used to get Mjollnir on her sometimes, it works really well.

But still, not a bad guide, but pretty short.

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