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A general Pugna guide: test magic against steel

April 9, 2016 by Plutarch
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patneze | April 18, 2016 4:29am
I said Eul as core in early game because for mid/late I think its better buying travel boot for speed and an INT item such as scythe/linken . It depends on the situation.
I ve tried also solar with pugna. Its so funny :)
Blubbles (13) | April 17, 2016 4:38pm
Wheres the aether lens?
Plutarch | April 18, 2016 7:09am
It's in the second build, Aether Lens is important, but as a support, it isn't very necessary given the fact that you have to build items that work more for your team.
Dimonychan (43) | April 18, 2016 8:35am
With lens you can initiate on people from 900 range with Decrepify, use ulti out of danger, place ward where your enemies can't get to it and blast towers from ridiculous range. There is no item in a similar price range that gives so much benefit, Lens is so good I'd stack it if you could. Neither Mek nor Ghost will give such benefit. Believe it or not, Lens is the prime reason Pugna is good nowadays, and not getting it is just deliberately nerfing your hero into oblivion, no pun intended.

Same with Aghs, unless you play some kind of a deathball Pugna with stuff like Lens, Mek & Veil, you should always go for it as soon as possible, regardless if you're core or not.

I also don't see Blink anywhere though it's one of the best items on Pugna.
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derty444 | April 17, 2016 4:17pm
Hi, great guide. I have one question, if he is to be played as a support, wich lane should he go? Safe or Hardlane? Thanks.
Plutarch | April 18, 2016 7:11am
Whichever lane with a carry, though he needs level, so safe lane would be advisable since you will be pulling creeps and have less chance to die there. Pugna combat potential isn't much in early game.
Divine Wrath (2) | April 13, 2016 3:41am
I really don't understand why you see Eul as core, it offers no synergies at all. As for mana, Lens are already so much better.
UltraSuperHyper (12) | April 13, 2016 2:52am
Great guide! Well written and formatted!
Tshirt | April 13, 2016 12:16am
Great guide, and from my point of view eul scepter it's a Must item on Pugna, no matter if is in early game or in a late game.
patneze | April 12, 2016 4:59am
For me, eul scepter (mana, speed) is core to have a real impact in early game. I like also a basilius to enhance pushing.
Plutarch | April 12, 2016 7:22am
It's a great item, but it has fewer impact on Pugna nuking capability, though it is still ideal, tks for the advice.
Sando (118) | April 11, 2016 11:42am
Very well presented guide, well laid out and looks great. However, I think the skill builds need a tune up, they're a bit murky. Generally you should always be maxing Nether Blast by 7 with other points allocated wherever they're most useful.

As a core, Pugna is a pushing hero who's looking to take towers ASAP and roll with his team. As a support, he's a bit lacklustre unless the opposition have lots of heroes with high mana costs like Invoker, Zeus, Lich, Enigma etc.
Plutarch | April 12, 2016 7:25am
Ya i max out Nether Blast in most of my games, but there are some games where Nether Ward proves to be lethal when the other team have many spammers like those you list above, though they are vulnerable to Nether Ward they can take out Pugna pretty fast if he comes close enough. As a hard support, sometimes my team ask for the ward more than the blast.
But thanks for review.
Divine Wrath (2) | April 11, 2016 6:26am
at counters against Pugna you should add dagon. This item can destroy Pugna very fast and safely, since mana usage of the item is very low, so possible damage back from ward is very low.
Plutarch | April 13, 2016 7:09am
Dagon is lethal to most squishy heroes, and yeah Pugna is no exception, though I don't think it is particularly special against Pugna only.
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