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A Comprehensive Guide to Juggernaut for Smart Players

July 8, 2014 by watchout4snakes
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eeon (6) | July 14, 2014 8:41am
hi! pretty cool item choices, I personally prefer a speed build: Phase Boots -> Drum of Endurance -> Sange and Yasha -> extensions.

I only make Manta Style with a Diffusal Blade (PL build) agains a Wraith King or heavy casting enemy team. By the way, you should add Diffusal to your situational.

I never make Satanic on Juggernaut because you automatically must get Black King Bar so you don t get stunned/hexed while it is activated => a lot of gold that could be better spent on something else. When I want lifesteal, I always get Vladmir's Offering, extra armor, mana regen and a team helping item.

Eye of Skadi is indeed a great item to have on any hero, no doubt about it, but, but for 5700 gold you can get a lot of better items that suits jugg better. If you feel you are not tanky enough, an Assault Cuirass is the way to go.

In my opinion a six-slotted Juggernaut should be Boots of Travel, Sange and Yasha, Butterfly, Desolator, Aghanim's Scepter, Assault Cuirass - you can skip one of them and get lifesteal or Mjollnir.

good job! keep up the good work and hf!
watchout4snakes | July 13, 2014 12:25am
Thanks for the input! Now that you mention it I agree with your comment about Refresher Orb. I wasn't really thinking about that and kind of just threw it out there because why not. Medallion of Courage is also a great suggestion. I haven't tried it but it does seem like a sound choice, esp if you're planning on building a Desolator for even more minus armor.
Fumbles16x (4) | July 9, 2014 6:24am
At level 2 I usually take a point in Healing Ward just for safety. It heals 50% of your total health, plus it heals people around you. It can keep you or your support from having to go back to the fountain if you're out of salves and tangos.

Nice to see Blink Dagger in there. You can actually blink in on 2-3 enemies and use your ult + Blade Fury to get at least a kill or two, and wait for your team to come clean up. Gives a lot of mobility to a fairly lacking hero.

I don't think I would ever recommend Refresher on a Juggernaut. His ult is good, but it's not a Ravage or a Black Hole. Plus you just don't have the mana to support it at any stage of the game unless you got a Shiva's or Skadi.

Edit: Oh, one more thing! Ever tried a Medallion of Courage on him? Works well if ganking, and gives some nice mana regen and armor.

Pretty good guide, though.
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